Burning Sensations

If you were to accidentally dump a cup of coffee into your laptop computer (don’t ask how I know this) a lot of crazy lines and things would show up on the screen. These are a result of the motherboard shorting out, and sending jumbled data to the monitor. (Only for a short time, and then it will stop. Trust me.)

This will lead you to an expensive conversation at the Apple Store, and leave you without your MacBook for a period of time. It can also lead to a burning sensation in your wallet.

As your nerves begin to take damage, they can send incorrect signals and a lot of crazy lines will appear on your screen. Not really. It’s crazy sensations for us. The brain perceives these signals as burning, hot sensations. They can seem to vary widely and have times that are better and times that are worse. It’s a good thing that we are constructed much better than a Laptop, or your issues would very quickly be over.

Getting Sleep

When talking to patients about this sensation many of them note that the burning sensation is independent of actual temperature. They can touch their feet and actually have them feel cold (just ask their spouse!) but they feel like they are on fire.

These sick irritated nerves can become hypersensitive, and so your feet can become sensitive to touch. Even the sheet resting on them at night can be agony, and prevent you from getting sleep. Since your nerves require rest for healing, this is extremely unfair. It’s also the reason that powerful narcotics and sleeping drugs are prescribed to many neuropathy sufferers.

This approach, however (treating the symptoms, not the cause) is only a stop-gap measure. Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for treating the symptoms and feeling better. Disaster, however, is imminent, unless the cause of the damage to the nerves is addressed.

The entire purpose of Neurowellness is helping you do just that. Reverse the damage and get your life back. Hundreds of sufferers have gone ahead of you and reversed the damage, and you can do it too!

Ready to get started? Get our 3 tips to feel better fast, and then attend a free live training to learn how you can turn it all around.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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