Why NeuroWellness?

Why am I investing time here, writing to you – instead of being with my family, or working in my practice? Because every day in my practice and life I meet beautiful people. Amazing people. People who love, and have wives and husbands, children and friends. They have jobs, families, hobbies, and things they love to do. And now they can’t do them.

ALL of them have suffered. They have lost their health, and they have lost the ability to do some of the things they love, with the people they love. They can’t golf, walk, run, play, work, dance or sleep like they used to. They have pain, burning, shocks in their feet and hands. They are not as steady on their feet as they once were. Some of them have even fallen and hurt themselves because they don’t have good balance anymore. They have neuropathy. And it’s not even their fault.

They are being led down the garden path by a culture that says “there’s no help”, “there is no cure”, “here, take this pill.” They are being told “we don’t know what’s causing it”, and “it’s progressive – adapt your lifestyle”.

Many have been led astray by all sorts of miracle cures. Take our supplement. Use this mat on your floor, or under your mattress. Buy these orthotics. Use these electric socks. Drink this! There are so many slick salesmen on the internet telling people they just need this one thing. The problem is unless that “one thing” is vitamin B12, and they are deficient in it – then NO ONE THING is the answer. That’s not to say there isn’t an answer. And it’s a simple answer.

Simple but…

But it’s not easy. First, we need to stop the damage. If we can stop the destruction of your small fiber nerves, then you will have a fighting chance to reverse the neuropathy. At the very least things will not get worse. Then we need to make sure that there is blood flow and nutrition to allow the nerves to heal. Your feet without blood flow are a lot like a desert. Nothing can grow there. If the nerves aren’t getting the oxygen and nutrition they need, then they can’t heal.

Step one is to fix the irrigation system. Once we get the river flowing again, you can see life return. Next, there are plenty of things you can do to stimulate healing to occur. Doing step one and two get things moving in the right direction. Step three is to do what we can to speed up the healing process. If we do these things properly then neuropathy heals. If we don’t do it right, then we are wasting time and money.

If there is one thing I have learned over the past 5 years of watching people heal from neuropathy is that there is help. The drugs are not the answer. We do know whats causing it. And you can stop, and reverse the progression. You can improve and even stop the burning, tingling, shooting pains. It will take a bit of investment in time and a little effort. But since you can’t walk – what else do you have to do with your time?


Why did I build this site? I just can’t sit by, and let hundreds of thousands of people suffer, and lose the things they love when they don’t need to. In my office, I have helped hundreds of people heal- but it’s only a drop in the bucket of neuropathy sufferers. This site was created to reach everyone who has been touched by neuropathy. To help everyone who has neuropathy learn what they can do to reverse it. Stop the suffering. There is hope.

What is the most frustrating thing about your neuropathy? Leave a comment below!

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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