Diabetic neuropathy pain is completely rotten.

The tingly, numb, burning, shooting, walk on bubble wrap, socks bunched up, Novocain feeling is torment.

Add to that the progressive nature, the loss of balance, the lack of sleep and not being able to be active anymore – and you’re on a serious downhill ride.

It’s no wonder we turn to powerful drugs to try to deal with the pain.

And it’s even more annoying when they don’t really work. If you take a powerful drug with a long list of side effects, it could at least eliminate the pain – but it doesn’t. It makes it a bit better, maybe, but still barely tolerable.

So – what can you do?

The first step is understanding the nature of the pain. Then you can figure out a solution.

Diabetic neuropathy pain is caused by damage to the small “c” fibre nerves, starting in the feet and hands. As these nerves get sick, they begin to send abnormal signals to your brain. Where they were once silent unless stimulated, now they fire abnormally – telling you about damage that isn’t happening.

Your feet burn – the pain shoots, and you get strange sensations – like you’re walking on bubble wrap.

These little nerves, that once told your brain how much weight you had on each foot – assisting in balance – are now silent when you need them, and screaming when you are trying to sleep.

It starts with the high and low blood sugars of diabetes and is made worse due to side effects of drugs like statins and calcium channel blockers.

And then, the only treatment offered is masking the pain with drugs. It’s no wonder this condition is progressive.

Stopping the pain

So how do you stop the pain? By stopping neuropathy in its tracks – that’s how. But here’s the thing – it’s not a quick fix, it’s going to take some time. It’s not something you try for a week to see if it will work and then quit. It’s the long haul.

The answer lies in stopping the damage, building a foundation for healing, and then stimulating nerve growth.

And it takes some effort on your part to accomplish it. But it allows you to stop the progression, and begin healing – almost every time. And it’s what we do here at NeuroWellness.

Healing By Design helps over 95% of our clients reduce pain, reverse the damage, and move back into doing the things they love. 

Since you may not know Dr. Cam from Adam, my suggestion is to start simply, and inexpensively. Free even.  

Here‘s how we can work together when you’re ready….

1. Free resources:

2. Get access to the neuropathy Toolkit:      Everything I’ve ever published on healing neuropathy – tip sheets, guides, a digital copy of my neuropathy healing book, checklists, and even access to the neuropathy nutrients course and 3 tips training. All for one super low price, so you can get started healing.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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