Why are my feet getting worse?

What makes diabetic neuropathy worse? Neuropathy is miserable. The numbness, tingling and burning mess with just about everything, from sleep, to work, to play. It’s almost impossible to describe it to someone who doesn’t have it. There’s no way for them to understand how it’s always interfering with life, and slowly driving you crazy. I know. I’ve been helping neuropathy sufferers stop and reverse it for over half a decade now.

You want to be free of this. You want to be able to go for a walk, get a full nights sleep, be able to work and live, and even just hold your coffee cup again.

But it’s getting worse, not better. You’re working to keep your blood sugar on target. You’ve tried the drugs. They helped a bit at first. You’ve tried the supplement they said would fix it in the online ad. It maybe helped a little. Your doctor prescribed you some narcotics for the pain, but they make you feel dopey and horrible.

And you know where it’s going. The pain gets worse even though you can’t feel your feet. Your balance isn’t as good as it once was, and you know you’re going down that diabetic neuropathy path… Cane… walker…… wheelchair. You feel like you’ve tried everything. You feel hopeless. And you ask yourself, “Why? Why is this getting worse?”

Here’s why.

What makes diabetic neuropathy worse? I can answer that for you. After years of caring for diabetics, and working with them to heal, I know exactly why it’s getting worse. I also know exactly what to do to stop the decline, and even start healing. So let’s talk about what’s making it worse.

What makes diabetic neuropathy worse? Blood sugar. You already know this, but consistently high blood sugar is toxic to your nerves, and it’s killing them. (It’s damaging your eyes, and your kidneys too). You need to find a way to get it under control, or it will keep getting worse. And there is a way.

What makes diabetic neuropathy worse? Pharmaceutical drugs. Yes, that’s right, the cholesterol drug you are on that is supposed to save your life, is actually stealing it. Your brain and nervous system contain 25% of the cholesterol in your body. It’s made of cholesterol. That’s why one of the side effects of cholesterol medication is memory loss and neuropathy. Why someone with diabetes would be prescribed a drug that causes neuropathy is beyond me.

Your other medications may be causing it as well. Blood pressure drugs, antibiotics, anticonvulsants, antidepressants. Many have a “side effect” of neuropathy.

Nutrient deficiencies can cause it too. Almost all diabetics are deficient in vitamin D, Magnesium and Vitamin B 12. As a matter of fact, research shows that patients on metformin often develop neuropathy due to B 12 deficiencies.

Okay, so, what makes it better?

If you have been struggling to stop the pain and heal your neuropathy you are not alone. You are in good company actually. Every single one of the hundreds that have visited my clinic was in the same boat. Suffering, and seemingly heading downhill.

Over 95% of them were able to turn it around. You can too. There is a simple 3 step system that can stop the downward momentum, stop the damage, and start the healing.

The first step in this simple system is to stop neuropathy from getting worse. Stabilize blood sugar, correct nutrient deficiencies, and eliminate neurotoxins. That’s the first thing that you ABSOLUTELY MUST DO if you are going to heal. Most people haven’t even taken these first steps, so they feel stuck, hopeless, and in despair.

There is hope. Immense hope. You can stop the damage, stop things from getting worse, and start healing. Want more help? Download a free 3 tips sheet that covers some very simple tricks my patients do to feel better fast. You’ll also be added to my list to get inside information on the 3 step system that stops and reverses neuropathy for over 95% of sufferers.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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