Vitamin D for diabetic neuropathy?

Vitamin D and neuropathy – help or hype. Peripheral neuropathy is painful, tingling, and just plain awful. Over the years there have been so many supposed quick fixes, and cures, and snake oils, and “just buy this and everything will be fine” offers, that it’s hard to pick out what’s garbage and what isn’t.

People have wasted tens of thousands of dollars following the slick salesmanship of shysters. It’s bad enough having neuropathy and suffering every day, without some creep selling you some useless item that he claims is the “cure”.

At Neurowellness I don’t offer a cure. I have no “snake oil”. I am committed to giving you only evidence-based items that actually work to stop, and reverse neuropathy. I’m not going to lead you down the garden path with false claims and giving you false hope.

I do however know that you can eliminate all or most of your neuropathy pain, and live a substantially better life. You just have to keep working at it. From multiple directions all at once. In 5 years of guiding people through the steps to heal their neuropathy I’ve had plenty of questions about the things I recommend, and the things I don’t.

Vitamins to take

Vitamin D is no exception. This is one of the nutritional pieces that is essential for anyone suffering from Peripheral Neuropathy. The evidence backs it up. It has been studied several times in diabetics and neuropathy patients, and it certainly seems to pack a punch when it comes to reducing neuropathy pain.

The doses they use in the studies aren’t your typical doses either. Most of the people I have met in my clinic aren’t taking any vitamin D, and if they are they are taking the “recommended dose” of around 1000 IU. While this might be better than nothing, it’s far from what you need.

In one study they used an injection of 600,000 IU (yes, that’s 600x the standard dose). Others used 50,000 IU per week. Vitamin D supplementation alone is “associated with a significant decrease in the symptoms of painful diabetic neuropathy.” This begs the questions, “Are you taking vitamin D? How much?” If not, then you need to start TODAY.

The best research indicates you need to take at least 5000 – 7000 IU per day to begin correcting deficiency. As always this is best to do with your health care provider who can order tests and ensure that your vitamin D levels are in the correct range, but the studies indicate it is incredibly safe to take vitamin D at the ranges above.

Vitamin D is incredibly cheap, and research shows it is also essential for people with neuropathy. You can get started today! Tired of going it alone? Let us help you on your journey – grab a free copy of my 3 Neuropathy Relief Tips and training. Want to get started feeling better? You can do it! At home.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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