The bad.

Neuropathy is a sneaky thing. It starts with a bit of tingling in the toes, and over time can spread to numb, burning, agonizing feet that make you think twice about doing the things you love. It can give you the sensation that your socks are bunched up, or you’re walking on bubble wrap. Then there are the shocks that can shoot up and down your foot. It’s miserable.

It can steal the things you love, like work, golf, dancing, playing – and make life wretched. There are drugs that make it tolerable, for a while. Until it gets worse – then you need more and stronger drugs. And since the drugs only cover up the discomfort, it allows things to get worse. In some cases much worse. Diabetic neuropathy can lead to loss of balance, ulcers, infections – and even the loss of toes, limbs, and even your life.

Of the hundreds of patients who came to see me in the office over the past 5 years, most of them were without hope. “You can’t stop neuropathy” they were told, and they should “Adapt your life, get used to it.” They believed that no one knows why it happens and that there was nothing that they could do about it.

The good.

First of all, that’s a lie. We do know why it happens. There are things you can do about it. You don’t actually have to just take the drugs and watch it get worse and worse, as it steals from your life. Because once you know why it’s happening, you can work to stop it. If you know what the cause is, then you can do things to heal the damage.

Yes, there is a solution that works.

It’s a system that I’ve used in clinic, for 5 years now, and it’s natural. It involves using three steps to stop, and then reverse the numb, burning discomfort. It allows over 95% of my patients to watch things improve, in as little as 4 weeks. Even the ones that told me they had tried everything. Even the ones who had completely lost hope.

You can learn this whole system. I’ll teach it to you.

The first step.

I’ve put together a little sample of what I teach in the Neuropathy Solution. It’s called 3 neuropathy tips, and while it’s only a tiny part of step 3, it’s something that my patients tell me helps the most when things are at their worst.

You can find it and download it here.

Just fill out the form, and it will arrive in your email in just a few minutes. You can start right away doing the 3 tips to feel better fast, and I’ll send you a note when the Neuropathy Solution Live Training is scheduled.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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