Statin drugs and neuropathy

Are you a diabetic? Are you on statin (cholesterol) drugs? If so, there may be an explanation as to why your numbness, tingling, and burning feet are getting worse. There’s a clear link between statin drugs and neuropathy.

Neuropathy is awful, to begin with. The highs and lows of diabetes cause damage to the blood flow, and the nerves in your feet and hands. This can lead over time to neuropathy and all of its numb, tingling, burning, life stealing symptoms. Most type 2 diabetics are prescribed statin drugs because of the damage diabetes can do to blood vessels. This can be concerning, because one of the side effects of statin drugs, is nerve damage and memory loss.

Here’s the issue – 25% of the cholesterol in your body is contained in your brain and nervous system – they are composed of it. If you lower cholesterol levels then you can start to damage these essential organs as well. The drug that is supposed to extend your life, turns on you and makes your life miserable instead.

Don’t I need them?

In my years of treating neuropathy in my clinic, the worst cases I saw were in diabetic patients taking statin and blood pressure drugs. The most annoying thing is that these cholesterol drugs and their recommendation is based on some fairly shoddy science – done by the companies that will gain the most if more of their drugs are sold. Even the cholesterol theory of heart disease has come under attack in recent years. Never mind the link between statin drugs and neuropathy.

Every time that a patient managed to get off these drugs, their healing accelerated. If you are trying to heal your feet, but at the same time you are poisoning them, you are not going to get very far. A complete discussion of the perils of our low fat, low cholesterol, medicate everyone society is beyond the scope of this blog post. Suffice it to say, that when you stop and examine the ideas, and the science that the low-fat diet is based on – it is very eye-opening.

Simple Truths

Here are a few things that will probably go against everything you have ever been told about diet and health.

1. The low-fat diet is a dismal failure.

2. A high fat/high cholesterol diet won’t kill you and actually may actually extend your life.

3. Just because drugs are sometimes the answer, doesn’t mean they are always the answer.

4. If you are a type 2 diabetic it’s not your fault – and you probably don’t have to be one anymore. You can reverse it. Most of the time.

Yes, the above statements are true. Yes, there is science backing it up. The link between statin drugs and neuropathy is clear. The link between type 2 diabetes and neuropathy is clear. And there are things you can do about it.

Medical treatment of diabetic neuropathy is a dismal failure, and statin drugs are part of that disaster. But take heart, there is a clear path to stop the nerve damage, and heal nerves (even in cases where you’ve been told your nerves can’t heal.)

Start by eliminating pain with my free natural neuropathy relief tips, and I’ll send you tons more info on exactly what you need to do to get your life back.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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