Moving forward

On this date in 1969 (50 years ago) Apollo 11 was on it’s way to the moon. The fifth crewed mission of the Apollo program was destined to be the first to walk on the moon. It has spurred a giant move forward in multiple areas, including diabetic technology.

“One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” 

It was one of the most astounding human achievements in history. The technology that was developed to achieve it has provided immense benefit to those of us alive today.

The pumps that had to be created for the massive engines on the Saturn V rocket now provide the basic design for artificial hearts. The development of the integrated circuit paved the way for microchips, your computer, smartphone, iPad and smartwatch. The communications systems built the groundwork for cellular telephones. Your scratch-resistant lenses even began as a coating for the visors on space helmets.

Mankind’s desire to do great things has pushed us forward over our entire history. 

Diabetic technology

Diabetes is no different. The search for new drugs and different ways of treating this disease has been astounding. Because of this research and diabetic technology development type 1 diabetics like my youngest son can now live a full, healthy life.

But what about diseases that we made in the first place? Sometimes the best approach for those diseases is to stop causing them. That’s where most sufferers of type 2 diabetes fit.

We’ve been told to eat in a way that causes most cases of type 2 diabetes – low fat, high carb. This unnatural diet has lead our bodies to fail after trying to adapt to it for decades. And even after diabetes sets in we’re still told to eat plenty of carbs, and then take drugs to adapt to it.

This is the WRONG approach however, and many have begun to realize that fat is not your enemy. 

Getting back to earth

One of the first to “write the book” on this is Nina Teicholz with her entertaining, and easy to understand book The Big Fat Surprise. This book is a must-read for anyone concerned about how much fat they should be eating, and likewise, the junk science behind our “low-fat diet.”

Research recently showed that restoring our diet to a high fat, low carb approach reverses diabetes in over 60% of cases.

Or you could eat the “diabetic diet” – proven to reverse diabetes in a meagre 0.1% of cases, however I’d choose the former.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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