Newest Diabetic Neuropathy Compound

A friend of mine asked me last week, “Have you heard of this new neuropathy supplement? It has a patented ingredient that is supposed to make it work better.” 

I looked it up. It was a b complex supplement – but it used the scientific names to confuse buyers and make it sound like something new. Methylcobalamin, pyridoxine, methyl folate. All very good to take if you have neuropathy, but perhaps not great to pay ten times the price for them, because it’s a “brand new neuropathy healing supplment!”

Frankly, it ticks me off a bit. People see the ol’ dollar signs, and crank out a “new” supplement so they can rake in more cash. At our expense. 

How to pick one

How do you know which diabetic neuropathy supplement to take? There are dozens of them out there, and new ones all the time.  Should you buy Nerve Renew, Nerve Aid, Nervexol, Nerve Support Formula, Nervestra, Neuropaquell, Nerve Shield, Nerve Pain Away… the list goes on.

There is however, nothing new under the sun, and all of the above “Breakthrough” supplements contain some proven compounds that do help neuropathy. However, I don’t recommend buying any of them, because none of them are complete.

Clinically, there are 11 compounds (vitamin/minerals) that have been shown in the research to be effective in cases of diabetic neuropathy. Nerve renew has 3, neuropaquell has 4, (you get the picture)

A better way

It’s a bit more complex to get each item separately, but it’s substantially more effective. Often people who try these combination supplements find they help “a bit”, but sometimes not at all. This is understandable when you take a combination neuropathy supplement but are still missing 7 or 8 compounds. Clearly, this will not get you where you want to go in most cases.

Clearly, there are some essential nutrients that many diabetics are deficient in. These need to be supplemented for everyone who is looking to heal diabetic neuropathy. These supplements are:

Vitamin D

Vitamin B12 (or a good b complex that includes b12 and folic acid)

Omega 3


Neo 40 (or arginine/citrulline)


Beyond that, there are several healing compounds that have been shown to be very beneficial in helping diabetic neuropathy sufferers heal. These are:

Alpha Lipoic Acid


Acetyl L Carnitine

CoEnzyme Q10


What NOT to do

Clearly, making a single neuropathy supplement with all of these compounds would be incredibly difficult, and you’d need to take a lot of them to get the right dosage. This is the main reason why clinically we had patients take each supplement separately, so we could control the frequency and dosage precisely.

Those who have been following me for a while will know that this is part of step two of the three-step NeuroWellness system. The reason we achieve over 95% success clinically is we also cover building a healing foundation, and how to boost nerve growth.

More than just relief of diabetic neuropathy symptoms, these 3 steps stop nerve damage, restore missing nutrients, and stimulate healing and nerve growth. 

This healing protocol isn’t for everyone – it does require you to take some steps to help yourself. If you’re not willing to make a few changes or invest in some health supplements, then this WILL NOT work for you. But for those who do the work, it’s a life-changer.

The easiest place to start is with the reverse neuropathy cheat sheet, and build on that. Diabetic Neuropathy can be healed. Just get busy and do the work.

Here’s a video of some handsome guy talking about the nutritional protocol:

Here‘s how we can work together when you’re ready….

1. Free resources:

2. Get access to the neuropathy Toolkit:      Everything I’ve ever published on healing neuropathy – tip sheets, guides, a digital copy of my neuropathy healing book, checklists, and even access to the neuropathy nutrients course and 3 tips training. All for one super low price, so you can get started healing.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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