Neuropathy disaster

She had given up and resigned herself to a neuropathy disaster. It took a lot of convincing to get her to believe there was hope.

I get it. The numbness, tingling and burning of neuropathy is relentless. It continues to worsen over time until it becomes almost unbearable.

It reminds me of railroad freight car. (Stick with me here, I grew up in a railroad town)

Rail cars are VERY heavy. It takes a lot get get them moving – but if enough people get pushing, you can get it started rolling.

 Neuropathy takes a lot to get it going as well. But if you have enough things pushing, you can get neuropathy started. 

High blood sugar – *push*

Blood pressure drugs – *push*

Statin (cholesterol drugs) – *push*

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies (vitamin D, B12, Magnesium) – *Push*.

Now we’re rolling!

Once neuropathy gets moving, it takes work to make it stop. Balancing your blood sugar better isn’t enough. As a matter of fact even if you deal with all of the things causing your neuropathy – the rail car is still moving the wrong direction.

And mainstream neuropathy treatment doesn’t help – it just hides the pain. It’s like putting on a blindfold so you don’t see the rail car moving – it’s still moving! This makes neuropathy progressive – it continuously gets worse over time. You get to go from cane, to walker, to wheelchair.

Healing neuropathy means dealing with the moving freight car.

Push back!

You have to push back in the other direction with supplements and nerve stimulation. You can restore healing with the right vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Most attempts to stop neuropathy fail because only one or two supplements or treatments are tried at a time.

The goal is to have enough healing happening that it pushes back harder than the damage. Then you’ll  begin to eliminate the pain and heal and grow nerves again. The more you can do that helps your body heal, the faster that freight car will stop, and start going back the other way.

Some powerful methods like infra-red light are like having a locomotive pushing toward healing. I’ve seen (almost) every neuropathy sufferer improve using the NeuroWellness method.

I want you to be able to get the same results and avoid that neuropathy disaster. That’s why I’ve put together this concise 30-minute video to show you how.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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