Awareness is key

May 7-13, 2017 is Peripheral Neuropathy Awareness Week.

I often get cranky when someone tells me “it’s XYZ awareness week!” Let’s spread the word. I always end up asking myself “why?”.

Why should I care about international toenail fungus awareness week? Isn’t it more important to know that Starbucks has it’s Frappe Happy Hour? I don’t mean to be cold, but your toenail fungus doesn’t really affect me. Why do I need to be aware of it? As a matter of fact, I’d rather not know. Thanks anyway. (Sips Java Chip frappe)

I feel a bit different about peripheral neuropathy awareness week. One of the biggest problems with peripheral neuropathy is people who should know about it don’t. Like the 20 million diabetics with peripheral neuropathy in the USA, 54,000 of whom will have amputations this year. That’s insanity. Especially since most of these amputations are totally preventable.

If only I’d known.

I had a patient visit me in my clinic a couple years ago. When we examined him and tested him, he had incredibly severe neuropathy in his feet. He’d had it for years, and didn’t know there was anything he could do about it. He had one very sick (gangrenous) big toe, that had to be amputated the following week. They didn’t need to use anything to freeze it. He couldn’t feel it at all.

The most frustrating thing about it is if he had met us a bit earlier, he’d still have his toe. After he began care, and the color returned to his feet –  he was thrilled but sad. He wished he’d started sooner. We did too. That’s where awareness comes in. People need to know what it is, and that there are a great many things they can do to stop it from getting worse and to even reverse it naturally.

It’s not just a disease of diabetics either. Sure 60% of cases are from diabetes, but there are many other causes, from statin (cholesterol) and blood pressure drugs to chemotherapy, smoking, and kidney failure. In about 1/4 of sufferers, there is no identifiable cause. A bit of peripheral neuropathy awareness goes a long way toward preventing suffering.

So now you know.

Hey you. Yeah, you. The smart person who knows all this stuff about neuropathy. It’s your job to help people keep their body parts attached. Make sure those you love who are diabetic or undergoing chemo, or smoking like chimneys know that they can prevent neuropathy. They can stop the damage. They can heal.

Knowledge is power. You have the power. Tell your loved ones.

Get them started healing, and stop the damage. Grab a copy of 3 Neuropathy Relief Tips and get the exact methods my patients use to feel better fast when things are at their worst. I’ll send you a note when the live training that covers the entire Neuropathy Solution airs.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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