Which one vitamin?

“Hey Doc, if you could only take one vitamin for diabetes, which one would you take?”

It was a hard question to answer since type 2 diabetics tend to be quite deficient in a number of things. If I had to pick just one, which one would it be? Let’s talk about that.

At first, I thought vitamin D. It’s essential for so many processes in the body. Your immune system is basically dormant without it. Nerves can’t heal without it. And most people in North America are very deficient in it. Maybe it should be the one vitamin for diabetes. But – you can make your own just by going in the sun (without sunscreen). So you could technically go without supplementing with it, with a bit of sunshine in your life.

Okay, so how about vitamin B12? Anyone taking metformin needs B12 since it tends to make you deficient in it. B12 is essential for nerve health, so without it, you tend to wind up developing diabetic neuropathy. BUT – you can get b12 from eating red meat, so if your diet is rich in healthy red meat, then you may not NEED to supplement with vitamin B12. You could just eat more red meat.

Omega 3? Is that the one vitamin for diabetes? It’s vital in every single nerve cell and every cell of your body for that matter. We eat toxic levels of omega 6 and 9 and are totally out of ration with our omega 3 intake. The best place to get it is a high-quality fish oil. BUT – you could just eat more fish. Cut out margarine and other toxic fats, and eat more seafood and wild meat, and that would improve your omega 3:6:9 ratio. So you could just do that.

The one vitamin for diabetes

Vitamin B1 is also essential for nerve health, and studies have shown that it is beneficial in diabetes, and diabetic neuropathy. More specifically it reduces tissue levels of advanced glycation end products (AGE’s) in tissues. This is vitally important in diabetics.

The type of B1 that does this is called benfotiamine1, and it’s a fat soluble version of thiamine (B1). AGE’s are thought to be the cause of damage to the retina, kidney, and nerves of diabetics. This means that if you have ample benfotiamine in your system, it reduces AGE’s and stops damage to these organs.

It is even used in some countries as a treatment for diabetic neuropathy. So if I was to have to pick one (I wouldn’t if I didn’t have to – I’d take all the supplements I cover in my masterclass) it would be benfotiamine.

The whole truth

So if you get some benfotiamine, that will help your situation. Will it stop, and start reversing diabetic neuropathy? Possibly – it appears to do that for some. But for most sufferers, you need to do more. Clinically we were able to see improvement in 97% of cases, by covering all the bases. I can teach you exactly what we did, and explain why it works. I’ll even get you started in the right direction for free. Just go here and download the 3 natural neuropathy tips, then (and this is the important part) take a few minutes to watch the video. In it, I explain the 3 tips and talk about the MasterClass. (you may even be eligible for an amazing discount)

If you are looking for a solution to your neuropathy numbness, tingling, burning, and pain – know there is hope. It’s not time to give up – it’s time to get going.

1. Pharmacol Res. 2010 Jun;61(6):482-8. doi: 10.1016/j.phrs.2010.02.008. Epub 2010 Feb 25.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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