How did we get here?

Hello, my friends! Today’s post is about using the right nutritional protocol to stop nerve damage and heal diabetic neuropathy. Yes, the protocol actually works.

Here’s the deal. Your cells are starving. They’re starving for the nutrients, energy and the blood flow that they need in order to be able to heal. The cells most affected by this malnutrition are your retina, kidney, and your small fiber nerve cells. When these cells don’t get vital nutrients they require, they malfunction – That’s why you have neuropathy.

The cells begin to die off because of the high blood sugar, toxins (see foundation post) and because they lack nutrients. This happens because drugs and type 2 diabetes causes deficiencies of all kinds of different vitamins and nutrients. When you’re deficient, then your nerves continue to get sicker and they can’t heal.

The only way to stop this damage is to provide a sufficient supply of the missing nutrients. This ensures the cells have an abundance of everything required to heal and grow.

The wrong stuff:

So the problem is you’ve been having the wrong stuff.  You’ve been taking the drugs to cover up the pain and try to get on with your life. Now, being out of pain is a good thing. You can’t heal if you can’t get rest, and you can’t get rest if you have pain. I’m not against doctors and I am not against drugs. I love my doctors, and I know that allopathic medicine saves lives.

The problem lies with chronic conditions like type two diabetes and diabetic neuropathy. There really aren’t any good solutions in the medical realm for it, because it’s all about treating the symptoms, and trying to make you feel better.  It’s not about dealing with the cause, let alone reversing the cause of the problem.

But the solution lies in stopping and reversing the cause of the damage. When drugs are considered the solution – when they only cover up the discomfort and allow it to get worse – that’s the wrong answer. Especially if the drugs lead to further nutrient deficiencies.

The right nutritional protocol:

The solution lies in providing a flood of the right nutrients, to help with healing, energy production, and stop further damage to your small fiber nerves. At the same time, if some (or all) of the pain and anti-seizure medications can be eliminated, then you can improve health, clarity of thought, and nerve function all at the same time.

The powerful nutritional protocol we use includes vitamins (Vitamin D, Vitamin B12), Minerals (Magnesium), nutrients (Omega 3, probiotics), nitric oxide support (Neo 40 or Arginine) and healing compounds (Acetyl L Carnitine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Benfotiamine, Coenzyme Q10, Hydroxytyrosol)

Everything in the protocol has been shown in the research to help with diabetic neuropathy or type 2 diabetes. The goal here is to make sure your body has the nutrients to stabilize blood sugar and heal and grow nerves. I know there are “diabetic neuropathy” products out there, but I don’t advocate taking combination supplements. This is because it’s difficult to find the right doses and the right products. It’s best to buy each separately, building a powerful nutritional protocol, so you can control the dosage, and the type of supplement you are taking.

The goal of adding the right stuff is to eliminate those deficiencies. Then you have a protocol that actually works to help heal nerves and reverse diabetic neuropathy symptoms.

How you do it

Start with stable blood sugar (foundation), add the nutritional protocol (grow), and then combine that with nerve rejuvenation (power up), and nerves heal. In clinic it was like clockwork- 97 percent of the time we saw patients improve, and get their life back.

So that’s why I created NeuroWellness, the QuickStart System, and the MasterClass, to help you do just that. At home. At a fraction of the cost of clinical care.

In upcoming posts, we’re going to cover step 3 – how you boost nerve growth – and each one of the supplements in the protocol and what you need to take.

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How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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