No Admittance:

Bilbo Baggins set up barriers to keep others out. He even had a sign on his gate that instructed, “No admittance except on party business.”

He enjoyed his privacy and didn’t want to deal with the many interlopers who would like to disrupt his day. (Especially those Sackville Baggins’s)

Barriers can be an excellent thing. They keep people safe near dangerous cliffs, prevent damage to precious historical pieces, and even prevent damage to your body’s cells.

Nature is filled with barriers.

They keep you healthy and allow your nerves to operate normally. 

Letting the interlopers in.

So when barriers begin to break down or work improperly in your body, you can have some severe problems.

One of the most critical barriers of your cells is the cell membrane. Composed of fat (lipid), it provides the barrier that only allows the right things in and out through its doors: the membrane controls who is allowed to enter and when. 

If that glucose molecule really is there on party business, and he brought his friend insulin along (because insulin has the keys to the house), then the door is opened to him. 

No insulin, no entry.

Ideally, this great wall of protection around your cells is composed of Omega 3 fats. But for most of us today, there’s a problem.

The Problem

We don’t eat omega 3 fats anymore (unless we eat a lot of wild fish). This causes our cell membranes to use inferior omega 6 or 9 fats, leading to leaky barriers that allow the wrong things in or out.

The result is run-away inflammation that can cause damage to nerves, joints, muscles and blood vessels. (I know for a fact that when I don’t have enough omega 3, my joints get cranky)

So this means we all need to eat more wild (not farmed) fish. Wild meat works, too, as it is much higher in essential fats. And when that’s not possible (or desirable), we need to take a good quality omega 3 supplement.

When your body has the right building blocks, it can heal and grow properly.

You. Can. Heal.

Here‘s how we can work together when you’re ready….

1. Free resources:

2. Get access to the neuropathy Toolkit:      Everything I’ve ever published on healing neuropathy – tip sheets, guides, a digital copy of my neuropathy healing book, checklists, and even access to the neuropathy nutrients course and 3 tips training. All for one super low price, so you can get started healing.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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