It’s not just for the bathroom anymore!

Okay, that’s probably going to need some explanation. This is all about nerve stimulation to wake up your sleeping nerves, and get your neuropathy feeling better.  It does involve using something that you keep in the bathroom, and use only in the bathroom.

Have you guessed what it is?

It’s your toilet brush.

Anyone who has downloaded my 3 tips sheet knows what it’s actually called among my clients. I’m talking about your nerve stimulation brush. The toilet brush that you bought new, and used only for tapping their feet and legs.

This technique is based on a very natural method of eliminating pain. If you think about it, any time you hurt yourself you usually rub the area, right? Rubbing stimulates the nerves in the skin, and that blocks the pain nerve endings for a time. Using a “nerve stimulation brush” is the same idea, just a little more powerful.

Powerful tool.

When you follow this technique it can massively reduce the amount of discomfort you are having for a period of time. My patients report that this is able to help them reduce their neuropathy pain, and go back to sleep after it has awakened them in the night.

Here’s how you do it:

1. Buy a NEW toilet brush.

2. Using medium pressure, tap your feet (everywhere the pain is) and legs. Start at the bottom and work your way to the top focusing on the areas that are most uncomfortable (the toes, the pads of your feet). Work up even into the ankle and calf if your pain spreads up that far. It can be used on the hands as well.

Do this once per day and you’ll be reducing your pain, while you stimulate those nerves. Add it to a complete protocol that includes stabilizing blood sugar, eliminating toxins, eradicating nutrient deficiencies, restoring blood flow, and you have a great start. Then and adding proven neuropathy healing compounds and you’ll be well on your way to healing your neuropathy.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years helping diabetic neuropathy sufferers, is that there is a huge amount of hope. Never give up. Never surrender.

Here are three ways we can work together when you’re ready….

1. Download free resources:

  • a. Stop the progression and heal your nerves. Learn how in this free video.
  • b. Peruse my videos on  YouTube.
  • c. Learn more on my Blog.

2. Get a copy of the Compendium:      I flesh out the system in much more detail in this inexpensive eBook.

3. Become a VIP: Join the insider’s list and be the first to know about the new videos, books, and other tools and products when they become available.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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