Neuropathy treatment

In my years of working with type 2 diabetics to help them get natural neuropathy relief, a lot has changed.

The standard treatment for diabetic neuropathy involves using drugs, like Gabapentin, and eventually Lyrica to reduce pain and discomfort. It advocates the “diabetic diet”, a low fat, high complex carbohydrate diet, and lifestyle changes.

“It’s progressive” my patients had been told.  You’re going to have to “adapt your life” to accommodate the numbness, tingling, and burning. It will get worse over time, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. You have a disease.

This didn’t sit well with me. Then my mom (a type 1 diabetic) was diagnosed with it too. I delved into the research, and found a way to stop the damage, and start healing again. In the clinic, almost all of the patients who used this method stopped getting worse and started healing. Learn more about this breakthrough method by visiting our home page, or drop me note.

As patients stopped getting worse and began to heal they took fewer drugs. While starting to get off the drugs, we needed to find a way to make things feel better fast – during those times when the burning and tingling were at their height.

Natural neuropathy relief

I looked into the best natural methods of reducing nerve pain and developed these 3 natural neuropathy tips. During the clinical trials, we taught patients how to do these natural neuropathy relief tips at home. They were thrilled at how well these 3 tips reduced pain and allowed them to get back to doing the things they love.

All it takes is a few minutes a day (or a few minutes at night when your feet are driving you crazy and you can’t sleep anyway) to calm the unhappy nerves and eliminate the pain and discomfort. These methods are simple, perhaps too simple – patients sometimes didn’t do them because they seemed too easy.

Are you familiar with the saying “The best things in life are free”? Well, while that’s true, these three free tips won’t give you love, or family, or friends.  They may help you enjoy love, family and friends more however!

I want to give these three tips to you, for free. Just click here to download your very own copy (There’s even an astounding, incredible, video of a handsome gentleman, showing you how to implement them)

Just give them a try for a week, and see for yourself how well they work.

Prefer video? – Just click the play button and this guy will tell you about natural neuropathy relief.


How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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