That one customer…

There I was minding my own business at the local Starbucks, having a visit with my son who works there. Then she walked in. She was crabbier than any of my neuropathy healing treatment patients.

I don’t know what had caused her day to go sideways, but she treated every staff person in there with disdain. The miserable look on her face made her look old and wrinkly. She seemed to think everyone was intentionally trying to ruin her day.

She placed her order and immediately walked to the counter where they put out the drinks and began questioning how long it was going to take. “There are two drinks in this order you know!” she snapped when the first of her beverages was put up.

“Yes ma’am, just making it now.” 

Then the unthinkable happened. Someone had taken her order wrong. “This is not my drink; it’s supposed to be soy! Good grief!”

“Oh, I’m sorry, what did you order?” There was a mix-up, and my son just wanted to make sure she got the right drink.

Now she was outraged. “You should know what I ordered! Can’t you do anything right?” After ranting for a full minute about how useless, stupid Starbucks employees are, she finally told him how she wanted the drink. My son made it for her, and she left in a huff (much to the relief of everyone in the store).

Back for round two…

She returned 20 minutes later, ordered the same two drinks, reminding the barista, “there are two drinks you know.” 

He remembered how she liked her drink and made it for her. Then, as a coup de grace, she left him with the words “Congratulations, you can follow directions!” when her drink was made correctly.

It doesn’t matter what her goal was, being angry from the start seems to be a waste of time and life. Surrounded by happy, laughing people who are out enjoying the day, she was angry, and just waiting to jump down the throat of anyone who takes a misstep.

I felt sorry for her. What horrible things were going on in her life that caused her to spread her anger and unhappiness to everyone around her? Maybe she suffered from neuropathy, or her dog had just died. Whatever the case, you could feel the tension in the store rise when she walked in. 

How did she get this way?

Maybe she was just magnesium deficient.

When developing the NeuroWellness supplement protocol for diabetic neuropathy, magnesium is one component that has widespread benefits. When it’s abundant in the body, it’s used in nerve healing, growth, reducing nerve pain, and restoring the mental health of neuropathy sufferers.

It’s likely one of the components that restored my patient’s ability to think, as a significant side effect of neuropathy healing treatment.

It’s something I would have recommended to Mrs. crabby pants if I wasn’t afraid to talk to her. But she was pretty scary.

It’s pretty cheap and easy for you to get though. Clinically we use the liquid form because it is so quickly absorbed. Don’t spend too much on it, just grab some off of Amazon or at your local store.

Who knows, it might even save you from being Mrs. Crabby, and you can relax and enjoy your pumpkin spice.

Peace to your house – with extra Mg.

Dr. Cam

Here‘s how we can work together when you’re ready….

1. Free resources:

2. Get access to the neuropathy Toolkit:      Everything I’ve ever published on healing neuropathy – tip sheets, guides, a digital copy of my neuropathy healing book, checklists, and even access to the neuropathy nutrients course and 3 tips training. All for one super low price, so you can get started healing.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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