Why Moby had happy flippers

Moby Dick, the whale that tormented poor Ahab likely never had any trouble with diabetic neuropathy. Did he know the neuropathy secret?

First of all, he was a pretty wise old whale. He ate the way he was supposed to, (supplemented by the occasional captains lower leg), and lived a pretty clean life.

That means he didn’t suffer from any dietary deficiencies, as most in the modern western world do. He didn’t experience the side effects that the whale doctors drugs caused (cause whales never take any pharmaceuticals)

He didn’t have access to any potato chips, cookies, or doughnuts. The lucky whale was forced to eat only his natural diet: fish, giant squids and other low carb delights. 

And unlike his Nemesis Ahab, he wasn’t consumed with anger, obsession, and depression. He just went about his life happily swimming and munching away.

Can you have happy flippers too?

There is a great deal we can learn from his neuropathy free life that can help us. 

Firstly – his natural diet.

If you have an animal that gets sick (let’s say your dog), one of the first things you ask yourself is, “What did he eat?” You’ll check around to make sure there aren’t any toxic substances he could have eaten. You’ll check to make sure he didn’t eat chocolate, or grapes, or xylitol.

But when we get sick, we think – Oh, dear – I have a new disease. We rarely link how we live to the conditions we suffer. We’ve been told for decades that fat (an essential nutrient) is evil, and will kill us. No wonder we’re so confused, diabetic, and sick.

Second – Moby isn’t prescribed drugs at the drop of a hat.

Diabetic? “That’s caused by a metformin deficiency” – so you need metformin.  High blood pressure? “Oh, that’s caused by a deficiency of Amlodipine.” And we all know that heart attacks are caused by a deficiency of Lipitor.

Interestingly all of these drugs can lead to – you guessed it – neuropathy (among other side effects).

Flipper healing 101

There is so much you can do to help your nerves heal and recover from diabetic neuropathy – but none of it involves taking drugs, or avoiding fat.

It’s what I’ve been teaching people to do for over a decade, with results that astound even me. It’s not really a neuropathy secret – the body’s capacity for healing is genuinely stupendous.

My high priced but quick to read compendium covers how in detail. The information it contains is worth thousands of dollars if you implement it (and it’s utterly worthless if you don’t)

And this week (until Friday) you can get $45 off the regular price by using the coupon code “Flush.”  You can get it right here:


Make sure the price changes before you click the payment button.

Don’t fear – neuropathy can be defeated with the right information. 

“Ignorance is the parent of fear.” – Herman Melville

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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