There are no dumb questions.

“Am I paying for information?!” She inquired after ordering an eBook. This lady didn’t want information. She wanted to jump directly to being a master healer without having to learn anything.

“Please refund my purchase.”

I happily sent her money back, and deleted her from my email list.

It’s a prevalent attitude in this Information Age. Information is free – so I’m not paying for it. It’s an amateur way of thinking – one that can lead to disaster. Wasted time, wasted money, wasted health.

It’s understandable. All the accumulated knowledge of mankind is available in the palm of your hand. A couple clicks and any information you want is there for use. Why on earth would you pay someone for information?

Why indeed.

Precious knowledge

It reminds me of the story of the retired engineer. He had left the plant he worked at after 35 years, and was enjoying his retirement.

One day he received a call begging him to come in and help out. The plant was down and they were losing 2 million dollars every day. The engineers had spent 3 days working to get the plant online again to no avail.

“Nobody knows this plant like you do. You’re the master engineer, please help!”

He went down to the plant. After about 45 minutes of going through the machinery he put a chalk X on the part that needed replacing. They replaced the part and boom! The plant was back working again.

The next week they received his bill. “One checkmark – $1.00. Knowing where to put it – $39,999.00. Total – $40,000.00.”

The company happily paid the bill.

Having all the information in the world is not worth very much – actually it’s worthless unless you know what to do with it.

Save thousands.

Most neuropathy sufferers spend their days overwhelmed by the pain, discomfort, and lack of mobility.  Add to that the mountain of information (and misinformation) out there about what to do to heal – and you have paralysis. No idea where to turn, who’s telling the truth, or what to do about the pain.

It’s why I spend my time explaining exactly what works. “Just do this.”

Yes, information is out there for the taking, for free. But sometimes it’s nice to have a guide – someone to put it all together in a way that makes sense. It can save you thousands of dollars fumbling around in the dark looking for the right answer.

That’s what I work to do – on this blog, in my free guides, ebook, courses, and when I work one on one with neuropathy sufferers. Help you master the information, take the right steps, and heal.

I want you to be a master healer.

Here‘s how we can work together when you’re ready….

1. Free resources:

2. Get access to the neuropathy Toolkit:      Everything I’ve ever published on healing neuropathy – tip sheets, guides, a digital copy of my neuropathy healing book, checklists, and even access to the neuropathy nutrients course and 3 tips training. All for one super low price, so you can get started healing.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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