Low-fat diet – the path of destruction

Human nature sometimes leads us down the path to destruction. And the low-fat diet might be at the centre of many of today’s health issues.

It’s part of how we’re designed, and it used to keep us alive. But now it’s leading us away from health, toward a life of pain, decline and disease.

We’re built to conserve energy, and eat foods that gives us quick easy access to that very same energy. And if we lived in the same world we were in 5000 short years ago, it would serve us very well.

5000 years ago you had no idea where your next meal was going to come from. Food had to be hunted or gathered, and if it was safe enough to leave shelter, then you had to have some good fortune each day to find something to eat.

If you came upon a beehive, filled with sweet honey once a year it was practically a miracle. You would gorge yourself on honey and eat it until you were full, knowing that tomorrow there may not be any food.

Your body would process all that carbohydrate, and store it away as fat for another day. And then you’d burn it later when you didn’t have any food. Kill a deer and the whole family would celebrate and eat steak until their bellies were full, because tomorrow….


But of course, many of us live in civilized first-world countries now. That bag of rice, pot of honey and sack of potatoes is just down at the corner store. We can have dessert every single day.

And the faulty heart disease theory they devised in the 1950s didn’t help much. It stated that fat (the stuff that our ancestors ate for fuel to maintain health) was bad. It was almost instant death.

So you couldn’t eat fat. This means in order to fuel your body you had to eat more carbohydrates. A lot of carbohydrates.

And just like before, our bodies still store all the extra carbohydrate as fat – to use on the days when we don’t have any food. But those days don’t come. The quick easy carbs are some of the most inexpensive foods to get your hands on. Froot Loops, bagels, bread. We can eat them every single day.

And our bodies crank out the insulin every single day.

And Boom!

Until finally, after decades, we become resistant to all that insulin. Our muscles and nerve tissue stop using carbohydrates easily, and our fat cells (especially in the abdomen) start to store it away.

Our blood pressure rises, our arteries harden, and we start tipping toward type 2 diabetes.

And since we still load up our body with carbohydrates (which are now toxic) type 2 diabetes worsens. On the low-fat diet, nerves start to starve and die. Kidneys take damage and head toward failure.

But that’s okay, there’s an entire industry designed to prey upon your symptoms. There are drugs, test equipment, and scam artists waiting in the wings to “help” you. They’ll offer you things to hide the symptoms and make it more bearable as you continue to decline.

But every now and then there will be a voice in the wilderness, whispering about a different path. One that leads away from insulin resistance and all of its disease, and toward lower blood sugar, healing nerves, and continued health and vitality.

I’m whispering pretty loudly. But you decide whether or not to listen.

Here‘s how we can work together when you’re ready….

1. Free resources:

2. Get access to the neuropathy Toolkit:      Everything I’ve ever published on healing neuropathy – tip sheets, guides, a digital copy of my neuropathy healing book, checklists, and even access to the neuropathy nutrients course and 3 tips training. All for one super low price, so you can get started healing.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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