Type two diabetes and the diabetic diet.

They’re like two peas in a pod, and not in a good way. Did you know that your diabetic diet (ie. low-fat diet) could be the main cause of diabetes that you’re currently suffering with? What does type two diabetes have to do with a low-fat diet? Let’s take a quick look at that.

Back in 1970 Ancel Keys published a study called the seven countries study, which basically set the tone for all of our nutritional guidelines for the next 50 years  – right up until this day. The study showed that as fat consumption increases, heart disease increases, when you use the countries Japan, Italy, England, Wales, Australia, Canada and USA.  Using these seven countries you can plot a graph that goes up to the sky the more fat you eat. 

The hitch.

Here’s the hitch.  Let’s pick seven different countries – I’ll choose Finland, Australia, Ireland, Switzerland, England, West Germany, and Holland. If we plot those countries you will have a graph that plummets downward, showing rapidly declining rates of heart disease as you increase your fat intake. Which one of us is right? Probably neither. But all of your government diet guidelines are based on the 1970 study, instead of my study.

All this lead to the formulation of what’s called the Diet heart hypothesis. This hypothesis has the potential to be the greatest nutritional disaster of the 20th century. It’s the central basis of our high carbohydrate, low fate diet, and since its introduction, rates of type 2 diabetes are climbing steadily. When you develop type 2 diabetes you are told to eat the diabetic diet (another high carb low-fat diet).

According to this hypothesis, the reason we are required to eat low fat is because fat kills you. Eating fat is just like pouring grease down a drain – it plugs it right up. Eat fat = death.  This idea is simple enough to understand but so simple it totally discounts all the biological processes involved when you eat fat. According to the theory however, in order to survive, you need to get most of your calories from carbohydrates, and only eat unsaturated fat (ie fat from seed oils).

Packing on the fat, with carbs.

So in this diet plan you eat plenty of bread and other cereals, grains, fruits and starches. Every carbohydrate turns into sugar in your blood. Glucose, to be exact. Eat a couple slices of bread – it’s glucose. Down a helping of potatoes – glucose. Scoop a bowl of glucose – glucose. When you eat glucose, you elevate your blood glucose. Some of them very quickly, some of them more slowly, but all of this turns into sugar. The only way you can get all this glucose out of the bloodstream is to open up channels in your cells for it to enter. Insulin is the key to opening those channels.

Let’s pile sugar into our blood over decades with a high carb diet.  To deal with all that sugar, your pancreas cranks out insulin, then you eat more carbs, more insulin. In a large percentage of people, eating this way for a long time produces insulin resistance. The cells don’t accept insulin very well, keeping the channels closed, and your blood sugar rises. Your body responds by making more insulin until the channels open.

Then you eat more carbs, and the cycle continues making you more insulin resistant. Your cells can’t absorb the glucose, so they begin to starve, and they signal your hunger centers, so you eat more – carbohydrates. And the cycle continues round and round. The last cells to become insulin resistant are your fat cells, so they still pack away excess glucose, and store it as fat in your midsection. They call this centripedal obesity (Beer Belly). Except it’s not actually a beer belly, it’s really an insulin roll. 

How to make things worse

The problem remains, and you are still hungry since your other cells can’t absorb the glucose, so you eat more (carbohydrates) until you become so insulin resistant that your blood sugar begins to rise into the diabetic range. Oops. Now you’re type 2 diabetic, and all you’ve been doing is eating the way we’ve been told to eat for 50 years – the low-fat diet.

In our western world the treatment for type 2 diabetes is to go on a drug (metformin) that increases your cell’s insulin sensitivity. This helps to bring your blood sugar down for a while, but you’re still eating the low fat (ie. High carb) diet.  Then your blood sugar rises again, and you need more of that drug.  Keep on going several more cycles and your type 2 diabetes gets so severe that you begin to have damage to the cells most susceptible to high blood sugar. Your nerves take damage so now you’ve got numbness, tingling and burning in her feet and you starting to develop some kidney issues and some retina issues. 

The Answer

And you’re still told the diabetic diet is the only way you can eat because if you eat fat, you will die almost instantly. Won’t you?

Well, maybe not. A recent study1https://www.neurowellness.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Type-2-diabetes-reversal-study.pdf shows that by changing your diet, ignoring the guidelines for type two diabetes reversed type two diabetes in over 60 percent of the people in the study.

Did you catch that? 60 percent! 

The standard diabetic diet has been shown to reverse type 2 diabetes 0.1% of the time.  Change your diet and eat much lower carb (read HIGH FAT) and you reverse it 60.0% percent of the time.

It’s nice to have choices in life, so we get to decide which way we want to go. Do we want to stick with the standard diabetic diet and have a 0.1% chance of stopping diabetes and diabetic neuropathy? Or eat a high-fat diet that reverses diabetes 60.0% of the time?  I’m pretty sure I know which one I would choose. 

Grab this take out (er, takeaway)

The biggest takeaway from this is there is so much hope for you to stop this damage and reverse it. So I see lots of patients with diabetic neuropathy. If you can stop type 2 diabetes, guess what happens to diabetic neuropathy?

It gets better. That’s why this is part of the foundation step of the training I cover with my patients, and why you need to know this information.

The NeruoWellness system helps you reverse diabetic neuropathy at home, using simple proven methods.

Here‘s how we can work together when you’re ready….

1. Free resources:

2. Get access to the neuropathy Toolkit:      Everything I’ve ever published on healing neuropathy – tip sheets, guides, a digital copy of my neuropathy healing book, checklists, and even access to the neuropathy nutrients course and 3 tips training. All for one super low price, so you can get started healing.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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