
“Imagine you’ve got feeling,

It’s easy if you try,

No burning feet below you,

Kiss the pain, goodbye.”

Using nerve stimulation? Alright friends, let’s imagine for a moment here.

First of all, let’s say you’ve been following me for a little while, so you’ve learned how to get your blood sugar so that it’s much more stable. This step is vital because now your nerves aren’t taking any more damage. Also let’s imagine you’ve done the work to get the toxins out of your life, and your nerves aren’t being beaten up anymore.

You’ve read the blog, watched the videos, and you’re taking all the right supplements to give your nerves everything they need to get growing. You’ve stopped the damage and provided for what your body needs for healing. Finally, things have stopped getting worse and started getting better.

Now you just wish it would go faster, heal faster, stop annoying you … faster. Well, here’s the good news, you can seriously boost healing through nerve stimulation – by increasing energy production in those nerves cells – and there are some well-researched ways to do it.

You’ve got a lot of nerve

Nerves are interesting creatures – like any other part of your body. They need energy to do the work that they do. They need energy to fire, they need energy to heal, and the only way they can get energy, of course, is by converting fat or sugar into that energy. There are several ways you can stimulate energy production in those nerve cells.

We’ll talk about light, and vibration here, but there are quite a few nerve stimulation techniques you can use. These include massage, exercise, hot and cold, and manual nerve stimulation. These techniques, especially if you combine a bunch of them, can really serve to boost energy production in your nerve cells. If you’re trying to heal numb, tingly, annoying, driving you crazy nerves in your hands or your feet, these methods are a godsend.

Vibration, using a vibration plate, or better yet, whole body vibration has shown to be of huge benefit. It’s something we used on every patient in clinic, every visit. We also encouraged them to use it at home daily if possible. If you aren’t doing it daily right now, you need to be. It has been shown to relieve discomfort for hours, and improve balance (reducing falls).1,2,3

Any discussion of boosting nerve energy would be missing out if we didn’t touch on using light. There’s boatloads of research on how much light therapy improves function, especially in diabetic neuropathy. Research shows this to be one of the most powerful methods of nerve stimulation, so if you have diabetic neuropathy, this is something you NEED to try, for a minimum of 6 weeks.4,5,6,7,8,9

Big Bucks

You don’t have to spend the money to buy a professional quality system like the ones that we use in clinic (although one of those would be ideal, and last for years and years). For as little as two hundred dollars you can get the same kind of light in a smaller pad to get you started. Either way, you’ll be doing your small fiber nerve cells a huge favor.

There’s actually some amazing research on how much some of these methods boost ATP or energy production in your cells.  Start by balancing blood sugar and boosting the right nutrients. Then make sure that you don’t have toxins and things affecting your nerves. Next, if you can add these nerve stimulation techniques you can massively increase the speed that nerves will heal.

Some nerve stimulation tips are covered in the 3 natural neuropathy relief tips download, so grab a free copy of that, and start doing those three things every day. The three simple steps are designed to help people that want to naturally eliminate the pain, numbness, tingling, burning so they can get back to sleep, work, or get back to doing what they want to do.

Can we get serious now?

If you’re one of those people that’s just absolutely sick and tired of neuropathy and you want to stop declining, and start healing then I have a couple of amazing ways to help you with that.  If you’re serious about getting things healing, you can start with the reverse neuropathy cheat sheet.

Want someone to guide you step by step?  You’ll want to get the CORE system. It details the main methods of healing nerves, and walks you through them to get healing quickly! It includes guides and checklists, and step by step training for getting nerves growing. 

If you’re looking for more free healing tips, poke around this blog, or visit my youtube channel here.   We’re constantly adding videos to help you stop the damage and start healing your neuropathy.





4. Improved sensitivity in peripheral neuropathy patients

5. Reversal of diabetic peripheral neuropathy with phototherapy

6. Facilitating photobiomodulation

7. Improved foot sensitivity and pain reduction

8. Reversal of diabetic peripheral neuropathy

9. Enhancement of nitric oxide

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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