“This’ll fix it.”

Are you taking gabapentin, Lyrica, or Cymbalta hoping it will fix your diabetic neuropathy? That’s an insane diabetic neuropathy mistake.

You know the old saying, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.” That’s what we do with this diabetic neuropathy mistake.

It’s actually crazy.

Type 2 diabetes is caused by carbohydrate intolerance, leading to out of control blood sugar. Yet if you follow the diabetic diet guidelines, you’ll be consuming a lot of carbohydrate – making your diabetes get worse. Crazy.

Type 2 diabetes and the drugs that treat it lead to multiple nutrient deficiencies, but there aren’t any standard recommendations for replacing these lost vitamins and minerals. This causes damage to occur to nerves, kidney, and retina. So diabetic neuropathy gets worse and worse. Crazy.

The mainstream treatment of diabetic neuropathy is pain killers, followed by anticonvulsant drugs like Gabapentin and Lyrica. This does absolutely nothing to stop the damage, or heal the damaged nerves, so diabetic neuropathy continues to get worse. INSANE.

Let’s ponder this problem (do the math).

If you’re okay with watching your neuropathy worsen over time, going from being a little unbalanced to needing a cane, walker, then wheelchair. Assuming that you don’t mind being prescribed stronger and stronger medications to take the edge off the pain, just ignore this post. If the sleepless nights awake with the burning, and tingling are something you like, then stop reading now. This is NOT for you.

If on the other hand you’re fed up with the pain, ready to make some changes to stop the damage and start healing, then read on. 

First of all, the truth is you don’t have to live this way. Furthermore, you CAN  stop the damage to your nerves, kidneys, and retina. The reality is that nerves DO heal.

No, not when they are being constantly destroyed by out of control blood sugar, toxins, side effects of common drugs, and loss of blood flow. That’s why it’s getting worse.

How do you actually heal?

But when you stop making the same diabetic neuropathy mistake, everything changes. You balance the blood sugar (you can), eliminate toxins and drugs, restore blood flow and nutrients – then nerves heal. Almost always. 97% of the time.

That’s the track record over the past decade with the neurowellness neuropathy solution. This is nothing like anything you have tried before.

It’s not a new fancy gadget to heal nerves

Not one weird trick.

There’s not a new neuropathy pill that solves all your problems.

It’s not a new miracle drug.

This is a proven system that builds a foundation of healing, by stopping the ongoing damage to your nerves, restores missing and deficient nutrients your nerves require, and boosts energy production and healing in nerves while reducing damaging AGE’s (advanced glycation end-products). 

The solution is simple. But it’s not easy.

Rather than just being a pill you take, YOU have to do some work. There will be some simple changes in what you eat (ignoring the diabetic diet guidelines). You’ll need to follow a supplement protocol that will literally flood your nerves with nutrients and healing compounds. And there’s some simple home therapy to boost nerve growth.

Genius way to stop these diabetic neuropathy mistakes

There are three ways you can do this.

1. The lone wolf. – Read my blog, watch my videos, get on my exclusive email tips list, and implement the changes you need to get healing. Perfect for those that love to do the research, and are able to build their own health plans.

2. The minimalist.Get the CORE system. (Good) This entry-level course covers restoring blood flow and stimulating nerve growth – the basics – to get started healing fast. It covers the most powerful tools to combat diabetic neuropathy in one nice easy training. Perfect for those on a budget.

3. The full Skywalker.Get the MasterClass. (Better) Go the next step, and have me teach you each and every step you need to follow. Detailed training every step, complete with videos showing you what to do, checklists to follow, and tip sheets to guide you. Covering everything – foundation step, grow step, and powering up healing.

Speaking of help with neuropathy, you can get on my daily email list by clicking here. Almost every day I send out useful tips on dealing with, and healing diabetic neuropathy, and links to helpful tools to help you do just that. It’s free, and only for those on the list.

Get practical diabetic neuropathy advice from a Doc who has spent years helping people get their lives back from diabetic neuropathy.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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