Independence Day!

A day of celebration, and remembering the cost of independence. The founding of a new nation.

When I think of the word independence, I also think of many of my patients. Independence for them means being able to live their lives and do the things they need to do to be self-sustaining. To be independent.

The problem with diabetic neuropathy, besides all the discomfort – numbness, tingling, burning, hot, cold, frustrating –  is that it steals independence. It takes away your balance, making you depend on a cane, walker, or wheelchair. It takes away your ability to run, walk, stand, dance, play, shop, and travel. As it progresses (and it keeps on progressing unless you fix the cause) you become dependant on others.

You can’t work and earn a living anymore, let alone drive yourself to the places you need to go. You become dependent because after neuropathy steals away your ability to live, you’re stuck. It sucks.

Fight Back

The first thing to do when you decide to fight back is to have a plan. You’re going to want a proven plan that has been shown to work, over and over again. One that hundreds before you have followed to stop the damage, and get healing.

It all starts with building a foundation – to stop the damage to your nerves and provide the nutrients they need from your diet. A plan to stabilize blood sugar, and even in some cases reverse type 2 diabetes. A plan to remove the toxins that are killing nerves. Your nerves can start to grow again once you have built a strong foundation that stops the daily damage.

Step two is to make sure you have everything in place so you can grow nerve tissue. In order to give nerves a fighting chance to heal, you need to restore lost blood flow.  Restore vital nutrients that your nerves are crying out for. And provide supplements that have actually been shown in the research to help heal and eliminate pain in diabetic neuropathy sufferers.

And then step three is to do everything you can to boost nerve growth. Methods that have been shown to help nerves grow, include stimulating them with vibration, light, hot, cold, and massage. Be diligent. Be consistent. Make healing your feet (and hands) part of your everyday routine.

Independence is worth fighting for. If you need help, get it.  Learn more on this blog. Get the free training. Invest in the comprehensive MasterClass.

Contact us and get answers. That’s why neurowellness is here.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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