You know what? I quit!

Okay, so you have neuropathy, or other difficulty going on in your life. Here are three reasons why you shouldn’t say “I quit.”

Reason one.

You’ll never get where you’re going. How are you supposed to get where you’re going if you stop. If Christopher Columbus stopped partway, almost reached America, and then went, “Ah, you know what? This is too hard, I quit.” He would’ve never got here.

Then there’s the story of the gold miner. He spent two years digging in his gold mine. First, he went and got his permits, bought his equipment, spent all kinds of money getting started. Then he spent two years just digging, and digging, and digging trying to get down to the gold, and he never made it. Finally, after two years he just said, “You know what? I give up, and I’m gonna quit.” And he stopped about two feet from where this huge gold vein was.

The next person that came along, spent a couple of days, boom! Into the gold. So don’t quit before you get to the gold. You’ve been working at this for a while, and there is an answer. You need to keep working at it.

Reason two.

Reason two applies more specifically to people who are suffering from neuropathy, but it works for everyone. There is hope.

The trickiest part with neuropathy is, you feel sometimes like there is absolutely no hope. Like you’re not getting anywhere, things are just getting worse, and you just want to give up. But know that there is hope. There’s so much good research out there showing that people can improve, and clinical trials show that there’s so much hope for you. So you need to keep going.

Here’s the problem, it takes time to heal. So you have to be patient. Being Patient means not giving up, and keep plugging on. Being patient means not saying “I quit.”

Reason three.

if you’re the typical neuropathy sufferer you’ve been acting on bad information. You’ve been given bad information. You’ve been told to do things that are supposed to help you, actually, they might be hurting you. So, if you have the right road map, if you can learn the right direction to go, it’s going to make all the difference for you. I know on this we’re on this, we’re all about getting you on the right path, showing you the right roadmap, the direction you need to go. And that we can get rid of that old map, that’s not working, and get back on the path.

So don’t quit. Don’t give up. There’s lots of hope. Follow Dr. Cam on Facebook, there’s lots of information in the blog. And you can even check out my videos on youtube. There will be lots more information coming.

And don’t forget, for neuropathy sufferers there is abundant hope.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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