The “Heal Diabetic Neuropathy” Sales Scams

There is plenty of “health information” out there to help you heal diabetic neuropathy.

Some of it makes grandiose promises. “New Neuropathy Cream Relieves Leg and Foot Pain”. “Breakthrough supplement stops numbness and burning.” “One weird trick to stop diabetic neuropathy”.

Even the mainstream “Take two Lyrica and call me in the morning” approach is a sure-fire way to NOT heal your feet.

With all this hype, misinformation, and scamming going on, it’s no wonder people get discouraged. As the problem rages onward, the scammers rake in your hard-earned money.  The drug companies get you to pay for things that only cover it up, letting it get worse, so you need stronger, more expensive drugs.

It can feel hopeless

It’s a cycle I see daily. Virtually all of my clinical patients were on this treadmill, getting nowhere. They were taking pain killers, anticonvulsants like Gabapentin and Lyrica,  and even morphine. They had bought the electric socks, drops, supplements, ebooks, and Dr. Ho machines.

And things were still getting worse. Their doctors told them to “adapt your life”, “accept your new normal”, “it’s progressive.” It’s no wonder people get discouraged and begin to think there’s no way to stop diabetic neuropathy. “I’m stuck with this until I die.” “There’s no hope.”

Okay – so we know how to NOT heal. Drugs, miracle supplements, breakthrough creams, snake oil, and electroshock machines.

The way out

So how DO we heal? Is it even possible?

Let me answer that with a question. If you accidentally slammed your fingers in your car door, what would you do? Seriously.

Would you just leave them in there, and take some aspirin? Rub some Polysporin on them? Take morphine? Maybe Lyrica would help. 

It sounds foolish. “Doc, you’d open the door, and take your fingers out!”


And after you get your fingers out of the door, you might use some Polysporin, take some Tylenol, and wait for them to heal. And they would heal – on their own – because your body is made to heal them. It’s actively working to heal them – once you get them out of the car door.

If your nerves in your feet are actively being damaged by high blood sugar, nutrient deficiencies, and loss of blood flow – those problems need correcting – you have to get your nerves out of the car door. THEN you can begin healing.

Getting actual help

As I pose the question “If we met for coffee or tea, what would be the ONE big question you would ask me about diabetic neuropathy?” I’ve had several people ask how to stop and reverse it.

Answering these questions is the focus of Healing By Design. The comprehensive system that stops nerve damage, restores blood flow and healing and reverses diabetic neuropathy. Access to it is open only a couple of times each year. You can access it (or register to be notified when it opens) here.

Peace to your house,

Dr. Cam.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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