“How do I fix diabetic neuropathy before it gets bad?”

That’s a great question posed by one of my avid readers – who badly wants to fix her diabetic neuropathy. Let’s take a moment to hash out the details on how to do that. If your neuropathy is already bad (ie. it’s moved beyond your toes, or started affecting your balance – then your answer lies here.)

If your neuropathy is just starting, then there are some simple steps you can take to fix it before it gets bad.

1. Stop the damage.

The reason you have started getting that little tingle in your toes is nerve damage. High blood sugar, combined with toxic drugs like statins (Lipitor), calcium channel blockers (amlodipine) and even PPI (acid reflux) drugs.

You need to STOP the damage before it gets bad. 

That means dropping blood sugars into the normal range (Keto), and reducing and eliminating unnecessary drugs.

2. Restore blood flow.

The next step is to get blood flow back to normal again. The high blood sugar and drugs can reduce blood flow to the nerves.

If you are over 40 then you already have a reduced ability to produce nitric oxide, the chemical that opens blood vessels. Boosting your body’s ability to make nitric oxide is essential.

There are two ways you can do this – 1. The amino acid Arginine, and 2. Neo40.

Personally I prefer Neo40 since it’s simple and highly effective (and won’t cause problems in people who have gout)

3. Allow your nerves to heal.

If there is only slight damage the nerves tend to heal on their own over time. You can boost their ability to heal using compounds like benfotiamine, alpha lipoic acid, and Coenzyme Q10.

If order to fix diabetic neuropathy that has moved beyond your toes to the pads of your feet, heels, ankles and calves then your nerves will need more help. The more advanced your neuropathy, the more effort it will take to heal.

The reason that many believe the fallacy that “nerves don’t heal” is that they heal slowly, and if there is massive damage to blood flow and nerves your body will need a lot more help.

If you have advancing neuropathy, there is still hope for you. You just need to invest some money, time and energy. The most powerful method of healing involves using light, and I tell you how in this video.

No matter where your neuropathy is on the spectrum – mild, moderate, severe or even “just cut them off!” – YOU CAN HEAL.

Dr. Cam

Here‘s how we can work together when you’re ready….

1. Free resources:

2. Get access to the neuropathy Toolkit:      Everything I’ve ever published on healing neuropathy – tip sheets, guides, a digital copy of my neuropathy healing book, checklists, and even access to the neuropathy nutrients course and 3 tips training. All for one super low price, so you can get started healing.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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