The link between heartburn and neuropathy.

Is your heartburn wrecking your feet?

Your nerves NEED vitamin B12.

Two medicines popular with type 2 diabetes are Metformin and proton pump inhibitors like Nexium. Both can massively reduce vitamin B12.

When faced with heartburn and acid reflux many reach for the over the counter acid-reducing drugs. While they can help with the symptoms, they can spell disaster for your nerves since they can block absorption of nutrients, including vitamin B12. This makes it more of a B12 and neuropathy problem than a heartburn and neuropathy problem.

When I mention this patients often ask me:

“Can’t I just take vitamin B12, and keep eating all the things that rip my stomach to shreds?” (Okay, they don’t ask it like that – but the sentiment is there)

My answer is, well, yes. 

And No.

Yes. You could totally do that. And if I owned shares in Prevacid I’m sure I’d be happy about it. But since I don’t, and my goal is to actually help you – then no. It’s an awful idea.

Non-solution solution.

If you supplement with B12, you will likely raise your levels up into the acceptable range again. But the problem of poorly digesting your food will remain and continue to damage your health. PPI drugs like Nexium were approved for use over an 8 week period, but most who take them do it long term.

And they don’t deal with the cause of the heartburn. Many believe the Nexium ads that tell you too much stomach acid causes reflux. Here’s something to think about.

It’s usually the reverse.

After you eat a meal, your stomach secretes acid and enzymes to break down your food. Once your stomach reaches the right PH (acid has broken down the food) it empties into your small intestine. If you aren’t producing enough stomach acid food remains in your stomach.

If we’re eating a high carbohydrate diet, this low acid environment leads to an overgrowth of bacteria.

These bacteria ferment excess carbohydrates, and increase pressure in the digestive tract, forcing the contents of the stomach through the lower esophageal valve into the esophagus. 

Boom. Heartburn. Acid reflux. Reaching for the tums, or Dexilant.

The actual solution:

Moving away from the Standard American Diet (SAD) reaps massive benefits for diabetes and heartburn sufferers. One study at Duke University showed a complete resolution of reflux symptoms within one week of adopting a low-carbohydrate diet. (The same diet we use to help heal neuropathy).

Killing two birds with one stone. (Well, actually a low carb diet can help many things: Type 2 diabetes, Neuropathy, Obesity, GERD…)

It’s why eating a low carbohydrate diet is an integral part of step one for my diabetic neuropathy patients. 

Just some (low carb) food for thought.

Dr. Cam

Here‘s how we can work together when you’re ready….

1. Free resources:

2. Get access to the neuropathy Toolkit:      Everything I’ve ever published on healing neuropathy – tip sheets, guides, a digital copy of my neuropathy healing book, checklists, and even access to the neuropathy nutrients course and 3 tips training. All for one super low price, so you can get started healing.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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