It starts by attacking the cause of the problem.

Diabetes is on the rise. It’s estimated by 2050, one-third of Americans are going to be type two diabetic. A third of the population. That’s a staggering number! A lot of the people that develop diabetes are going to develop diabetic neuropathy as they go through their disease progression. It’s a scary thought. So you will want to attack your neuropathy at its cause. But first we need to talk about why you have neuropathy, (it’s only partially for the reason you think.)

Typical Approach to diabetic neuropathy

Now it’s really simple to say that diabetes leads to poor blood sugar balance, and this leads to damage to the small fiber nerves. While this is true, it’s only a tiny window into what’s causing the numbness, tingling, and burning of diabetic neuropathy.

The treatment is also ineffective, and only focused on symptoms, not on stopping the damage and starting healing. My patients are told helpful things like “You’ve got diabetes and neuropathy. There’s nothing you can do about having diabetes, except take this drug.  And there’s nothing you can do about neuropathy, but this drug might help you with the pain.”

Both of these statements are untrue.

Why is that the only answer? Take these drugs to help with your diabetes – because it’s a disease and you can’t fight it, and take these drugs to help your discomfort from neuropathy – for the same reason. That’s what I used to help people to do, and that’s probably what you’ve been told to do as well.

Now the reason we’re told the best we can do is just deal with the pain is based on old information. Nerves don’t heal. If nerves can’t heal, then there’s no treatment for diabetic neuropathy. That’s what I was taught about 30 years ago, I was told that once a nerve is damaged, it doesn’t heal. And it’s shockingly still what some people actually believe, even in the medical realm.

The science on healing nerves

Here’s the deal though – so much science that says that’s not true. Especially with peripheral nerves like your feet, and your hands, and your fingers, and your toes. They heal. The nerves actually heal. They grow back. It can be slow (1-2mm/month), and you have to give them the right circumstances. But they can do heal. There’s abundant hope.

The reason the typical neuropathy treatment doesn’t work is you’re just covering up the pain as best as you can. You’re not actually doing anything to deal with the cause of the problem and you’re not doing anything to help your body to heal.

Suppose we change things up and you actually attack the cause of the neuropathy and promoting your body’s ability to heal. In clinic that’s where we saw the shift happen. I used to do the “nothing we can do to stop it” type of care, and just watch people get worse. It was sad and hopeless.

When we changed our methods, to actually attack the cause of diabetic neuropathy. Once we did things stopped getting worse and in 97% of cases start getting better. Using the drugs like Gabapentin and eventually, Lyrica can help you feel a little bit better for a time –  while you’re waiting for things to get worse. But they’re just covering up some of the symptoms.

Engine light

It’s the same if your engine light comes on in your car and you just take a piece of black tape and put it over the engine light. It won’t solve the problem, but you won’t know it’s there until things get much worse with your engine – or your feet.

So don’t stick your head in the sand and listen to the wrong advice. If you are type two diabetic, you’re carbohydrate intolerant. Now if you were lactose intolerant, what would you be avoiding? Lactose. If you’re carbohydrate intolerant, you need to start avoiding carbohydrates. There are plenty of ways to do it, and it’s not as hard as you think.

Once you’ve started dealing with that, there are other corrections that you need to make to start healing. If you’ve ever taken metformin,  you’re probably vitamin B12 deficient. Guess what your nerves need to work properly? Vitamin B12.

If you’re the typical North American person, you’re low in Vitamin D. Guess what your nerves need? Vitamin D.

As we went through and corrected the deficiencies and toxicities caused by type two diabetes and it’s treatment, we saw amazing things happen. Correct all the causes, of the numbness, tingling, and burning and that’s when you see diabetic neuropathy start to heal.

Get help.

If you need more help with this, there is plenty of information here on this blog.

Tired of suffering and want to start turning neuropathy around today? Download the 3 natural neuropathy tips sheetIt’s 100% FREE, and it covers some amazing research-based tips that we developed clinically,  to help people with the pain and the discomfort naturally – without drugs, without surgery. There’s even a video that teaches you how to implement it.

What is your biggest challenge with attacking your neuropathy at its cause? Time? Not knowing how to go about it? Addiction to carbohydrates? Feel like your feet are just too far gone? Let me know below in the comments – I’d like to help you.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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