Nice comment buddy.

On occasion, I like to reach out to diabetic neuropathy sufferers on social media to find out how I can support and help them.  Recently, I was running some ads on Facebook. These ads show up as posts in peoples Facebook feeds, and sometimes people comment on them.

One of the comments on that particular ad was “think u full of sh–“.

Now, while no one likes to be told they are full of it, I actually appreciate the comment. When one person says it,  many others are just thinking it, and moving on. If people think you are full of it, it’s quite difficult to get them to accept your help.

The Illusion

This feeling actually makes sense, because of the story we’ve been told about diabetic neuropathy.  We’re being fed the same story about type 2 diabetes, so naturally, it just extends to all the damage diabetes causes as well.

How are you supposed to eat when you’re diabetic? Well, low fat of course, because you’re one cheeseburger away from a heart attack. Except science indicates it’s the wrong advice. According to the guidelines you need to eat plenty of complex carbohydrates in order to be healthy as a diabetic.  You don’t. As a matter of fact, the people who are getting off diabetes drugs, and reversing type 2 diabetes are the ones who ignore the guidelines.

The standard advice is to take your metformin and gabapentin, and everything will be fine.  We’ll cover up the pain, and the discomfort with medication. Just make sure you take enough, and the right one and you have nothing to worry about.

The “Experts” make so many statements about diabetic neuropathy. “There is no cure.”  “There’s nothing you can do about it.”  “It’s progressive so adapt your life.” 


So, there you have it. There is no hope. This is the way things are going to be, now that you’ve got diabetic neuropathy. You can’t do anything about it, so just get used to the idea.

It makes perfect sense that if someone comes along and tells you that you CAN stop the damage, it would seem like a crock. After all the doom and gloom, and now someone says that there is hope? “C’mon, that’s just silly.” 

Except that the research shows there is abundant hope. You can stop the damage, and start healing. I’ve seen it in my practice. I’m convinced you can heal at home as well. I get that it’s hard to believe you can stop getting worse, but you can.

I know you’ve been told that nerves don’t heal (heck, that’s what I was taught in school 30 years ago), but they do. Research over the past decade has proven it.

You have to do the right things in the right order, but you can totally turn it around. That’s why we created NeuroWellness. Let’s start healing those nerves instead of just watching them get worse and covering up the pain with your drugs. 

I get it. It’s easy to think “He’s full of –it” when someone suggests you can get your life back. But thousands have already proven it’s possible.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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