How your diabetic neuropathy is like slamming your fingers in the car door.

Do your feet feel like they’ve been slammed in a car door?

Several years ago, my son and I were on a mission and arrived early in the morning at the clinic. It was “Kids’ Day” and that meant a lot of prep work. There would be food and drinks, ambulances, fire trucks, and bounce castles. It also meant we had to get things ready. As my young son closed the door on the Suburban, his fingers got in the way.


Dad! He cried out in pain. I ran around the truck, and we got his fingers out in seconds. Cut, squashed, nail already turning black. The tears were flowing! We got things cleaned up, and knew he was going to have to spend several days healing, but his fingers were going to be okay. He was such a trooper, that he got right to work picking up garbage to make the area look clean and respectable.

Diabetic neuropathy

How does this apply to your diabetic neuropathy? Well, let’s imagine for a second, that we approached this problem differently. Perhaps even foolishly.

Let’s say, that after he slammed his fingers in the door, I ran around the truck and instead of opening the door, I told him that this happens to kids sometimes, and what we need to do now is control the pain. Here, take this aspirin.

As he stands there with his fingers in the door, he finds the aspirin doesn’t help. “Well, that was just a baby aspirin – here, let’s try an adult one.” Still no help.

As we move through the different drugs, we find that morphine helps somewhat – for a while.

Any observant person would say “Hey, Moron! His fingers are still stuck in the door! Get his fingers out of the door and things will get better!” And they would be 100% correct.

Wrong approach

Unfortunately, this is exactly how we “treat” diabetic neuropathy. While doing NOTHING to stop the nerve damage, we try to reduce the pain. Here, take some gabapentin. Not working? Let’s try some Lyrica. Not working? Let’s try some opiate drugs.

We’re told there’s no way to stop the nerve damage. No way to get your fingers out of the door.

Except there is. There is a cause of the problem, and there is a solution to the problem as well. The first step is to get your fingers out of the door. (Or toes in this case) Here’s where it gets a tiny bit more complex, because there is more than one door slammed on your diabetic neuropathy.

Stopping the damage.

You have out of control blood sugar causing active damage to your nerves – yes – so you need to get that under control. You also have several nutrient deficiencies that must be corrected if you want to heal (some caused by the diabetes and others because of drugs used to try to control diabetes). 

The other issue that crops up, is nerves are slow to heal, so it can be frustrating at first, and feel like things aren’t helping much – leading sufferers to just give up. There are ways around that too – methods of boosting nerve growth and speeding relief from the pain of diabetic neuropathy.

I can show you how. I’ve helped hundreds stop the pain, and heal their nerves –  first in my clinic – and now online (in the comfort of their own home).  All it takes is a bit of work to get the door open, and get your fingers out.


The downside

It’s not for everyone though. You saw that word in the last sentence – WORK. That means you will need to do some things to help yourself. It’s not “here, take this pill and you’ll get better.” (Because a pill won’t make you better.) This means that if you are waiting for a miracle cure that heals fingers while they are still stuck in the door – this is NOT for you.


The upside

If you’re tired of pain, and watching it get worse, then the first step is to work naturally toward getting some relief. You can grab a free copy of my reverse neuropathy cheat sheet to learn what steps to take to stop damage and start healing. I’ll make sure you get plenty of information on how exactly to get your fingers out of the door.

Don’t waste one more day – Let’s get your fingers out of the door. Get your nerves healing.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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