A sad day for Dr. Suess.

Yes, Dr. Suess was afraid this was going to happen. He had envisioned it years ago.

He even wrote about it.

In his iconic book “The Lorax”, Dr. Suess talks about saving the Truffula trees. The Lorax is the one who “speaks for the trees,” and works to save them from the axe, and the onward progress of industry.

These trees were based on one particular tree, a beautiful Monterey Cypress – located near the beach in La Jolla California where he lived.

Sadly it fell over in June, after standing for nearly 100 years.

The city of La Jolla plans to salvage what they can, and plant a new Monterey Cypress in that spot.

Sick ecosystem leads to neuropathy damage.

It got me thinking about another delicate ecosystem that is very important to us – our bodies. It’s important to take care of our internal environment as well, or we are headed for destruction.

I guess I’m Dr. Lorax – I speak for your body. If you suffer from diabetic neuropathy, it’s a sign that you have toxic damage occurring in your environment, and you need to do something about it now before it progresses.

It starts in the toes and moves through the whole foot, into the hands and fingers, and even up into the lower leg. But even worse than all that pain and immobility is the damage that begins to occur in the eye, and kidney as well.

This damage occurs from multiple sources in most diabetics. We have high (toxic) levels of blood sugar, nutrient deficiencies (from your body working to deal with high blood sugar), and toxic drugs as well.

I’ve rarely met a type 2 diabetic that wasn’t on metformin, blood pressure drugs, and cholesterol medications – all of which can cause nerve damage and nutrient deficiencies – and make neuropathy worse. It’s like we add toxic insult to diabetic injury.

Stop the progression

No wonder diabetic neuropathy is progressive. Our ecosystem is under major attack by pollution.

It’s something I’ve gotten quite good at stopping for my patients. Cleaning up their beach so the Truffula trees can grow happily (or nerves!)

Earlier this year, I even made a little video about stopping neuropathy damage, so you can heal. You can view it below.

Peace to your trees,

Dr. Cam

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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