Burning through cash

Are you setting fire to wads of money every year?


If you’re like most diabetic neuropathy sufferers, you’re probably spending all kinds of money on drugs that hide the pain (but only allow things to get worse).

You might be buying supplements that help a tiny bit- but don’t address the healing that is actually available to you.

You might be going for physio, massage, chiropractic, laser, acupuncture, and homeopathy, trying to deal with the pain. But if all you are doing is dealing with the pain, you aren’t getting to the core of the problem.

You can buy the online salesman’s miracle neuropathy cure, emu oil, mushroom coffee, new crustacean cream ointment… (insert guru’s product here). Go ahead and waste money healing neuropathy.

And you’re throwing away a lot of cash.

I know. My patients had spent thousands of dollars on cures. Some of them were actually somewhat useful, but a lot of them were total garbage.

Saving your money

So how on earth do you know what to do?

Well, you could look at what the successful neuropathy treatment docs are doing for a start. As you’re going to learn, in my clinic, we saw a 97% success rate. (Almost everyone improved their neuropathy in testing, in as little as 6 weeks)

It was amazing. And it was expensive.

People needed to see us three times per week, and each treatment was $150.00. It was $3300.00 for the first 7 weeks. Then $300 per month after that.

Now don’t get me wrong – they didn’t waste money healing neuropathy. Seriously, that’s an incredible value for getting your life back. Deliver pizzas for a couple of months, and it’s paid for. But suppose you wanted to do it at home? Could you get the same results for even less expense than that?

You bet your tingly toes you can.

With a professional IR and near IR light system, you can get exactly the same results but pay less than $1 per treatment.

The downside? You have to pay for all the treatments at once by purchasing your own equipment. But then you own the equipment – and can use it as often as you like – for free.

Sure, you’ll miss out on sitting in traffic, waiting in the reception area, and trying to occupy yourself while you get treatment. Not everyone will enjoy being able to sit in their favourite chair, with their favourite beverage, and watching their favourite movie while they heal.

But maybe that’s the sort of thing that appeals to you – saving thousands to heal at home. If so, click the “Contact Us” button above and get in touch. We’ll have a conversation about what you need to do.

At NeuroWellness we can help you get the right system for YOU.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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