Don’t pay for information.

I had a fascinating experience last week. 

I had someone purchase a $20 neuropathy nutrition course at my website. 

It covers detailed information on the supplement protocol I use clinically to help stop and reverse diabetic neuropathy. 

If she implemented the information, it would save her a bundle and hours researching supplements.

It even contains a checklist that details exactly what to buy, how to take it, and when.

She had misunderstood – she thought it was a supplement she could take. When she found out it was information she immediately wanted her money back. She didn’t want to pay for information.

I can see her point – someone could undoubtedly find all of this information on the internet. It’s all out there – free for the searching. 

So paying for information is stupid, right?

Well, perhaps if you don’t pay for information – that’s foolish. 

It depends on your perspective.

Researching the information in the course will take about 10-20 hours on the internet. If you are the average Joe and have a job that pays $15/hour, then it will cost you $150-$300 to do the research.

Buying this course would save her hours of time (or a couple hundred bucks.)

Save time or money.

It’s like those machines that count up your change for you. You can go to the supermarket, and dump in your change bucket, and bam – it counts it and pays you in paper money. Money you can spend on things today – or put in the bank.

“But it costs me 5%! I’m not paying out 5% when I can just count it myself for free!”

So for the $5 you’re going to save, you’ll spend 11 hours rolling pennies. Clever.

Time is the one thing that never comes back. Money comes in every month – it is replenished. Time – when it’s gone, it’s gone.

If you want to invest it rolling pennies, learning to cut your own hair, and do your own surgery – then be my guest. It’s your time/money to spend. 

But for the rest of you who want a guide – who has already done hundreds of hours of research – Healing By Design will be opening up for new members again soon.

The early bird list is here:

Peace to your house,

Dr. Cam

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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