How is your diabetic neuropathy treatment working?

When I think about diabetic neuropathy treatment, there are a couple things that immediately jump to mind. The first is how much of a travesty the mainstream approach to diabetic neuropathy treatment is, and the second is how easy it is to miss the actual solution to the problem.

Neuropathy is not a simple problem. In my decade of helping sufferers stop further damage, and heal this dreadful condition I have found that it is very complex to deal with. But it can be dealt with.

No, covering the pain doesn’t help the problem. This is the biggest failing of mainstream treatment. 

First you have to find a doctor who cares enough to help, rather than just writing a quick prescription, and sending you away. This is rarely the fault of the doctor since the mainstream drug treatment of this problem leaves you with little hope, or choice. Just cover the pain, and allow things to get worse, and then take stronger drugs to cover the pain and allow things to get worse.

It’s hardly a diabetic neuropathy treatment (unless you want to give neuropathy a treat). It’s pain treatment – which is fine as long as you work to eradicate the cause of the neuropathy, and help nerves heal.  Miss those last two steps, and you have a diabetic neuropathy treatment that is guaranteed not to help much.

Neuropathy doesn’t deserve a treat

Over the past decade of helping diabetic neuropathy sufferers heal, I’ve seen some pretty amazing things. I even had a patient who had a toe removed before he started care with us. His neuropathy was so bad that he had gangrene. They didn’t need to use any anesthetic, he didn’t feel it at all anymore. He arrived looking for answers since the problem was spreading and getting worse and worse.

Like most health problems, the sooner you work to correct things, the better your results. If you wait until there is so much damage you have gangrene, it’s much harder to heal than if you just have some numbness and burning keeping you up at night.

My point here is that you NEED TO TAKE ACTION. Sooner, rather than later. And no, more gabapentin, or Lyrica is NOT taking action. It’s covering pain so you don’t have to take action.

Actually taking action, (the real diabetic neuropathy treatment) involves following the steps in the neuropathy solution. They do require some effort, but most things of value in life do require effort. Your spouse, health, work, kids, job, relationship with God – all require work. But those things are so rewarding that the work is totally worth it.

Healing neuropathy is no different.

Three steps

Let’s go over the three steps involved in healing your nerves.

First – do no harm. The foundation step is about stopping the damage, and not causing any further harm to your nerves. It involves stabilizing blood sugar and providing the right fats for healing. Removing toxins that damage nerves (including several drugs that cause neuropathy, or make it worse.)

Second – restore lost nutrients and provide an environment for healing. This involves improving blood flow, correcting malnutrition, and providing ample healing compounds to your sick nerves so they can heal and regenerate.

And third – stimulate nerve healing and growth. There are several well-researched methods that increase energy production in nerve cells and speed healing. Using these methods frequently can stimulate and speed your recovery from diabetic neuropathy.

Get help.

It was powerful to provide one on one guidance in my clinic while providing treatment in my clinic. Now that I work in this online world, I can do the same thing through much less expensive methods, helping more people get their lives back by healing neuropathy.

If you want to get started for free, you can grab a copy of the heal neuropathy cheat sheet. It’s also free to search my blog and read through it to get answers.

There is so much hope for diabetic neuropathy sufferers. Let’s get started.

Here‘s how we can work together when you’re ready….

1. Free resources:

2. Get access to the neuropathy Toolkit:      Everything I’ve ever published on healing neuropathy – tip sheets, guides, a digital copy of my neuropathy healing book, checklists, and even access to the neuropathy nutrients course and 3 tips training. All for one super low price, so you can get started healing.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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