When is it time to give up?

Diabetic neuropathy is awful. It’s painful, and numb, and tingling, and burning, and sometimes you feel like your socks are bunched up when they are not. Maybe it’s just time to give up.

Your balance starts to go. You are told, “hey, it’s progressive – better adapt your life.” Take the drugs to deaden the pain. Try the latest new supplement they sell online. Stop golf. Get someone to help you clean your house. Stop going for walks because it hurts too much. No more stops at the mall. Time to give up.

Your feet get worse, you can’t sleep because they are screaming at you, and now on the bad days, you feel like you should have a walker. Time to give up.

Your toes are turning purple, and you can’t really feel them anymore. It’s like walking on wooden sticks when you can walk, otherwise, you’re in a wheelchair. Time give up.


Wrong. Dead wrong.

So wrong it hurts. (And it actually does hurt) Over the years I’ve had patients in all of these conditions. They had given up. They just came to hear what I had to say. “One last try, nothing else has helped doc.” Skeptical would be the best description.

“Listen doc, I’ve tried everything, and I know the drugs are just covering it up, but NOTHING HELPS!” She was a retired head nurse and the ultimate skeptic. She had pretty much resigned herself to a slow decline, and giving up the things she loved. Fast forward 7 weeks and she couldn’t believe it. She was testing substantially better on the Toronto Clinical Scoring Method for neuropathy and feeling substantially better. She went from “time to give up” to “time to get going!”

“I have to be honest with you, I didn’t think this was going to help me at all” she confided. Hope restored.

It makes me sad to hear when people give up healing. I’ve seen astounding success with people who had given up. As long as you’re breathing, there’s still hope for healing neuropathy. How? It will take some work, so if you are very lazy, and want someone to just do this for you…

Lazy? Stop reading now.

Okay. You’re still here. That means you want to get better, and you’re willing to do some work to make it happen. Yes, you do have to put in some effort, but the rewards are astounding. The first step is to learn what to do.

You can learn a lot from this blog, download my 3 tips sheet and video training to get some relief, and you can learn the entire system we use in the clinic to help those who have all but given up to start healing. There is hope.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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