Are you kidding me?

I sat in the restaurant slack jawed at the information on my phone. It couldn’t be true – and yet it was – I double checked.

We had been to the children’s hospital for our quarterly visit with our youngest – the type 1 diabetic (with a rather dramatic start). Things were going well, just a few months into using the Omnipod insulin pump. His A1c was sitting just below 7 – a very nice number for a juvenile diabetic.

We decided to stop at one of our favourite restaurants for a bite of lunch. We had finished the meal, and ordered what sounded like a tasty dessert. Typically we give Abram insulin 15 minutes before eating, so since we were adding some dessert I thought I should look it up to get his insulin going.

105g carbohydrate.

Wait what?

Yeah, it has 107 grams of sugar. Nobody’s pancreas should ever have to deal with that. Truly a diabetic dessert of doom.

That’s almost nine tablespoons of sugar, in one dessert.

Slow painful death by diabetes

And we wonder why we’re quickly becoming a type 2 diabetic world. Load in the carbs over decades and our metabolisms start to change (for many of us anyway). The changes make us old and fat and eventually diabetic.

We split it three ways – and vowed not to do that again. Abram can just take more insulin and adapt, after all he’s a growing boy of only 12 years. But in a couple decades he too will be susceptible to the metabolic changes of type 2 diabetes. He could become insulin resistant, and need more and more insulin.

It’s why changing how we eat to keep things under control is so essential now. Avoid the dessert of doom so you can avoid the neuropathy of doom later (or begin  healing it now)

It’s also why step one of NeuroWellness is to get things stable and allow for healing. It’s all in the eBook and courses.

Reverse diabetic neuropathy in 3 simple steps:

1. Foundation – based on the idea of “do no harm”, the first step is to stop the ongoing damage – giving your nerves a chance at healing.

2. Grow – Get your nerves healing and growing as fast as possible. Replenish required nutrients that are lost due to diabetes and drugs. Provide abundant compounds proven to stabilize blood sugar, and heal nerves. Restore blood flow.

3. Power Up – massively boost healing with proven methods like IR light, vibration, massage, nerve stimulation, hot & cold.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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