Cholesterol drugs and diabetic neuropathy.

Diabetic? Probably taking a statin drug for your cholesterol. And perhaps developing diabetic neuropathy at the same time.

It’s almost malpractice to NOT put a person with type 2 diabetes on statin drugs. Not because they have out of control cholesterol, but to “protect” them. 

Here’s the thinking:

You are beautifully and wonderfully made. But somehow God forgot to put a natural statin production system in your body. Because of this, your body produces toxic, deadly cholesterol at much too high a rate, plugging up your arteries, and killing you. But we’ve discovered a miracle drug that will save your life – called Lipitor.

It’s pretty flawed thinking, but if they can sell you on this idea, they can cash in big time – and they are. The problem is there is a clear link between cholesterol drugs and diabetic neuropathy.

Fly in the ointment

Here’s the flaw. Your body makes cholesterol, and it NEEDS cholesterol. About sixteen eggs worth per day. It is used to make hormones (that make everything work), it is part of every single cell membrane, and your brain is built out of it. If you want your body to work correctly, and your nerves to fire the way they are supposed to, you need cholesterol.

Those small fibre nerves that malfunction in diabetic neuropathy have membranes made of cholesterol. That’s why one of the side effects of cholesterol-lowering drugs is neuropathy (and memory loss)

It’s a slippery slope. Our western low-fat diet causes you to develop type 2 diabetes. High blood sugar damages nerves, causing diabetic neuropathy. Metformin burns through your vitamin B12, causing neuropathy. Statin drugs eliminate building blocks that your nerves need, causing neuropathy.

How can you not have numb, burning, tingly, annoying feet and hands with all these things working against you?

Healthier approach

That’s why at neurowellness, we work to restore normal function, through diet, supplements, and nerve stimulation – all without the drugs – so your nerves can heal.

So what can you do about “high” cholesterol?

The neurowellness protocol helps stabilize it and builds a foundation for healing. One key component is quality fish oil, like this one.

It’s a crucial part of the system that has been proven to lower cholesterol and a great start.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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