Healing Diabetic Neuropathy

Healing Diabetic Neuropathy

It starts by attacking the cause of the problem. Diabetes is on the rise. It’s estimated by 2050, one-third of Americans are going to be type two diabetic. A third of the population. That’s a staggering number! A lot of the people that develop diabetes are...
I Quit!

I Quit!

You know what? I quit! Okay, so you have neuropathy, or other difficulty going on in your life. Here are three reasons why you shouldn’t say “I quit.” Reason one. You’ll never get where you’re going. How are you supposed to get where...
Diabetic neuropathy? Time to give up.

Diabetic neuropathy? Time to give up.

When is it time to give up? Diabetic neuropathy is awful. It’s painful, and numb, and tingling, and burning, and sometimes you feel like your socks are bunched up when they are not. Maybe it’s just time to give up. Your balance starts to go. You are told, “hey, it’s...
Tired of going it alone?

Tired of going it alone?

The bad. Neuropathy is a sneaky thing. It starts with a bit of tingling in the toes, and over time can spread to numb, burning, agonizing feet that make you think twice about doing the things you love. It can give you the sensation that your socks are bunched up, or...