“You can’t heal neuropathy.”

It’s a common fallacy among neuropathy sufferers. The belief that damage done is damage done. You can’t heal neuropathy. It’s all over man, just give up. It’s grounded in really lousy science from 4 or 5 decades ago. The belief went something like this:

“Sure, all tissues in the body grow, and heal, and replace themselves – EXCEPT nerve tissue.” It only grows in the womb. Then it stops.

Oh, it also grows when you’re a child. But not after that.

Okay, and also when you’re a growing adolescent, and as a young adult. But not after that. We’re serious this time. It just stops for no apparent reason. Trust us.

So if you have neuropathy – you should just give up.

What a load of misinformation.

You may have guessed from my tone that I think this belief is a steaming pile of foolishness.

And the science backs me up too. Nerves do grow, heal, and rebuild themselves. Not as fast as skin cells, but they do heal. Sometimes they need a little help, stimulation, nutrition, and blood flow.


It drives me crazy when someone in authority (i.e. a Doctor, Scientist, FDA, or other person who should really know what they are talking about but turn out to be just people like the rest of us who make mistakes and say things that really aren’t true) tells you it’s all over. You can’t… (insert thing they think you can’t do here).

Say it often enough, people start to believe it. “Red meat is bad, fat is bad, cigarettes are good for your lungs,  margarine is healthy, thalidomide is safe and effective, the sky is falling!”

Okay. I’m ranting. I’ll take a breath.

Healing By Design

My point. Nerves do heal. The numbness, tingling, burning, walking on bubble wrap feeling can be stopped. I’ve watched it happen hundreds of times – in amazement at the body’s natural inborn healing ability.

You are designed to heal. Sometimes we just need to get out of the way and allow it to happen.

I’d like to help you do that. By giving you exactly what you want that will allow you to heal the most, in the fastest way possible. To that end, I created Healing By Design and other tools to help you heal.

But suppose you don’t know me from Adam? “Who is this guy anyway – some stupid psycho?

I get it – it’s hard to believe there’s hope when the world is telling you to curl up and die. Here’s something you can try that might just give you a quick win, and some relief when things are at their worst.

Grab a free copy of my natural neuropathy relief tips.

Yes, it will put you on my VIP email list, and I’ll be sending you more information on stopping diabetes, nerve damage, and healing neuropathy – but don’t worry, it’s really easy to unsubscribe and get rid of me.

Dr. Cam

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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