Making it work

Thinking outside the box is a  hallmark of every new discovery. 

“Maybe the world isn’t flat.” 

“What if matter and energy are interchangeable?”

“I think the human body won’t implode at 65mph.”

It’s hard to imagine what the world would look like if it wasn’t for people who challenged the mainstream and dared to do things differently. Even in healthcare.

“What if we washed our hands before we deliver babies or do surgery?”

Live saving breakthrough.

Status Quo

The status quo in diabetic neuropathy is to mask the pain with drugs until that doesn’t work anymore. Then use powerful anticonvulsant drugs like Gabapentin and Lyrica to alter nerve function, making the agony manageable.

The downside? The ultimate cause of the nerve damage remains. Nothing is done to stop the progression of neuropathy, so YOU GET WORSE.

So, can diabetic neuropathy be reversed?

What if we thought outside the box?

Approach the problem of diabetic neuropathy from a different direction. Instead of trying to mask the pain, let’s work to stop further damage, and stimulate healing of nerve tissue.

And here’s the cool part – there is heaps of research that shows how to do exactly that.

Reversing Diabetic Neuropathy

Stop further nerve damage caused by out of control blood sugar – by adopting a diet that has been proven to REVERSE type 2 diabetes 60% of the time. (Instead of the diabetic diet, that does it 0.2% of the time)

Restore missing nutrients that your nerves are dying for. Like vitamin B12 – Metformin use leads to a deficiency of this essential nerve function vitamin. Magnesium, Vitamin D.

And then stimulate healing using simple, proven methods.

Do this over a long time – several weeks – and you see a massive change. 

Neuropathy stops progressing. Nerve function begins to return. The need for pain relief subsides. Balance improves, along with sensation, and even clarity of mind.

It’s a simple process, but it’s not easy. We built Healing by Design – to help. To walk with you, and hold your hand each step of the way (step – ha ha – neuropathy joke).

Can diabetic neuropathy be reversed?


It’s what we do here at neurowellness. Don’t despair – there is much to be hopeful about.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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