Hey buddy, where’s the fire?

Anyone with burning feet will relate to this story:

Heads up! There’s smoke, in the hallway! The alarm may sound. The alarm is loud.”

We need to install a new vent hood over our cooktop. If we burn the toast, or fry the butter too long, we invariably hear our nest protect smoke detector call out. And then the alarm goes – it is loud – until you press the button to silence it.

Recently we had one of them continuously give us alarms. Silence it, five minutes later – alarm. I went on the website and found a way to dust it out, and get it working properly again. Finally.

About those burning feet

It was starting to drive me crazy. Can you relate? Have you ever had something bugging you, that you can silence a bit, but then it keeps coming back?

It sounds to me like the standard treatment for burning feet caused by diabetic neuropathy. Pain gets bad, you take some gabapentin to silence the alarm. When it wears off, the alarm goes again. So you take more gabapentin. And so on.

If it was your smoke detector you’d have thrown it out and got a new one by now, but it’s your own burning feet (or hands) so you’re stuck. Or are you?

No, you can’t replace them, but what if there was a way (like with my Nest Protect) to fix your hands or feet so the alarm stops? I’m not talking about a new supplement (although supplements are part of it) or a new way of eating (eating right is part of it) or some new diabetic neuropathy relief tips (you guessed it – part of it).

It’s an entire solution, that takes you from suffering (numb, burning, tingling, annoying, frustrating) to healing. It gives you the one clear path covering building a foundation of healing, growing nerves, and powering up nerve growth. It’s a system that allows your body to heal. It stops the damage, and helps you grow fresh, new, healthy nerves.

Sure, you could just push the silence button by taking some drugs to mask the pain. But that’s not a real solution to the problem. It’s the standard diabetic neuropathy treatment, but not a real solution.

Here’s what to do:

“OK doc, so what am I supposed to do?” You might appropriately ask.

The answer is simple, but it’s not easy. It will require you to make some changes in your life, take some health supplements, and do some physical therapy at home. If you are waiting for a single pill that will make all your problems go away, then this is not your solution. You can stop reading now, it’s not for you.

If you on the other hand believe that your body can heal itself, and you’re not afraid of attacking this neuropathy thing head on, then here’s your next step.

Click here, and download the neuropathy tips sheet. When you do that, you’ll enter your email address, and I’ll send you some simple tips to make those burning feet feel better naturally. And – here’s the important bit – you’ll get a series of emails from me explaining the 3 step system that actually stops and reverses neuropathy. I even recorded some videos for you that explain it.

You’ll start down the road of learning to heal burning feet caused by diabetic neuropathy. I’ll walk it with you, and show you how we help people stop the numbness, tingling, and burning feet, and heal. Almost every time.

Quit silencing the alarm – let’s put out the fire.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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