Feeling hot?

One of the more dangerous symptoms of diabetic neuropathy (and a common cause of burned feet) is the inability to feel temperature.

As the damage to small fiber nerves progresses, sensations of cold and hot no longer reach the brain. This makes it possible to put your feet into scalding water and not feel it properly.

This can cause dangerous burns to the feet of neuropathy sufferers. Because the nerves don’t detect temperature, you don’t know it’s happening until it’s too late. The result? Burned feet.

In people who already have problems with nerve supply and blood flow, this is disastrous. The damaged tissue from a scald or burn no longer acts as a barrier to bacteria. This allows them to enter the damaged tissue, and set up shop.

If a person without neuropathy winds up with burned feet it is bad enough. Normally if you get bacteria into a cut or burn there is a massive immune response. This can overwhelm the bacteria, and stop further damage. If the burns are serious enough they are dangerous for those with normal nerve supply and blood flow.

Diabetic neuropathy sufferers have lost nerve function and blood flow. This makes an infection much more likely, and much more serious if it does occur.

Problems pile up.

So now we have sick nerves, reduced blood flow and immune response, and serious tissue damage to the feet. This combination can cause infection, gangrene, and loss of limbs and even life. (See the section on serious foot problems)

If you do have some advanced neuropathy, it is essential that you ALWAYS test the water with your hand (or arm if you have neuropathy in your hands) before putting your feet into it. This can prevent you from a world of illness and help you keep your limbs long enough to start healing them.

It also makes it vital that you begin to stop the damage and start healing as fast as possible.

Over the years many of my patients in the clinic have told me they felt they were beyond hope. That they had tried everything and gotten nowhere (except maybe worse and worse over time). To tell the truth, when I first began to implement the Neuropathy Solution I was shocked at how well it worked.

The key is that the Neuropathy Solution attacks neuropathy and it’s symptoms from multiple directions, at the same time. Start healing today.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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