I read the Facebook comment and shook my head.


Stupid psycho idiot?

Now, I’m not an internet marketing expert, that’s for sure. I’m just a Doc who found an unheard of solution to a huge problem (Diabetic Neuropathy), but this seemed a little over the top.

Sure, I’ve used Facebook for a while, to keep up with friends and family, but I haven’t been using it for helping patients until recently. I put in the time and learned how to build and post and ad, and pay to have people see it.

My goal – to help people heal diabetic neuropathy (yes, and make a living doing it from a distance) I wanted to help more people and charge way less, so I made a video, and posted it.

Then I had a comment on the video, from someone named Nathan. “You really are a stupid psycho idiot.”

For a moment I felt like I was back in Jr. High. “Really Nathan?”  Nice. Not what you expect from a man in his 60’s. It got me thinking.

This approach to actually healing diabetic neuropathy, instead of just covering up the symptoms, probably seems psycho to some people.

What kind of idiot would spend his time finding the things that heal nerves, and figuring out how to teach others how to do it, when people can just take a pill and BAM – Hide the pain?

What am I, stupid?

And for the Nathan’s of the world, don’t do this – it’s NOT the right approach for you.

But for most of my patients, and many of you, this is going to seem really smart.

What if, instead of covering up the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy, we looked at the causes of it, and stopped them? Actually stopped them. Like taking your fingers out of the car door?

Why don’t we restore missing nutrients that our nerves are crying out for, instead of taking anti-convulsant drugs every day just to get through? Why don’t we replenish the nutrients that are and eliminated by diabetes, drugs, and toxins?

And just suppose, we started using scientifically proven methods of boosting nerve energy, growth and healing.

What if we combined all three of those steps into a single solution, and worked at it consistently? Some might think that was pretty smart. Certainly, the 97% of people who stopped getting worse and began healing thought it was a good idea.


Going against the flow

Perhaps still a bit psycho to go against the mainstream, but since the mainstream method is an abysmal failure, maybe it’s the only real choice.

For those who don’t think I’m a stupid psycho idiot, you can click here to grab a copy of my neuropathy relief tips (they’re actually part of the nerve stimulation step), and you’ll also get on my insider’s list. I’ll send you information on my free live trainings, and the best information about actually healing diabetic neuropathy.

If you think I’m a stupid psycho idiot though, please don’t subscribe.

P.S. Yes, this counterintuitive approach actually works to heal diabetic neuropathy. If you want to know more, then register below and I’ll send you some free tips, and information on how you can heal diabetic neuropathy, at home.


Here are three ways we can work together when you’re ready….

1. Download free resources:

  • a. Stop the progression and heal your nerves. Learn how in this free video.
  • b. Peruse my videos on  YouTube.
  • c. Learn more on my Blog.

2. Get a copy of the Compendium:      I flesh out the system in much more detail in this inexpensive eBook.

3. Become a VIP: Join the insider’s list and be the first to know about the new videos, books, and other tools and products when they become available.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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