Dr. Cam and Neurowellness

If you are visiting our site, you probably have numbness and tingling in your toes, feet, fingers or hands. You may have been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy, and have probably been prescribed drugs like Gabapentin or Lyrica.

Peripheral neuropathy is devastating for many who suffer from it. The symptoms can include pain, tingling, burning, freezing sensations and electrical shocks. They interfere with all of life. Walking, dancing, golfing, shopping, working, and even sleeping can become intolerable. It’s so intense it’s almost impossible to describe it to someone who doesn’t have it.

The most common causes are diabetes, cholesterol medications (statin drugs), blood pressure medications, chemotherapy and smoking.

Many have been told that the problem is progressive, and there is no way to stop it. “Adapt your life”.

That is NOT true.

Most of our visitors have searched online and found all sorts of “solutions” that really don’t work very well. “Just take this supplement”, or  “Just buy our mat to stand on”, or “order your super dooper orthotics today!”

Unfortunately, it’s not quite that easy. The good news is that it’s also totally possible to stop and even reverse your neuropathy. You’ll just have to do most of the work to accomplish it. Good thing you’re not lazy!

Here at neurowellness.co we teach a proven 3 step plan to stop the damage and reverse neuropathy. No scams. No slick sales pitches. No snake oil. We teach you what works, and what doesn’t.

Dr. Cameron Harrison has helped hundreds regain their lives in a clinical setting. Now we’re here to help you learn to do it too. In the comfort of your own home. At a fraction of the cost of care in a clinic.

Learn the basics with this free cheat sheet.

Get your feet back! Start Today!

What are people saying about Dr. Cam?

Learn Online

We did the groundwork for you, so you can focus on what works to stop and reverse your neuropathy from the comfort of home.

The whole system

we use in our clinic. We teach it to you step by step so you can get the same amazing results.

Working together

Each step of the system builds on the previous one. Get exponential results by working through the whole course.

Dr. Cameron Harrison

Dr. Cameron Harrison


Dr Cam has spent the past 25 years helping people improve their health, and heal themselves from the inside out. The past 5 years he has focused on helping people heal from peripheral neuropathy.