One of the biggest reasons that diabetic neuropathy continues to worsen for most sufferers revolve around 3 big neuropathy mistakes.

Let’s cover those mistakes and what you can do to avoid them. 

Mistake One – the lie

Believe the lie that there’s nothing you can do. There’s no hope, it’s progressive, and there’s nothing that can be done, other than taking the drugs that cover the pain.

It’s a lie from the pit of hell. This story is not true. It’s fake news, bad information, wrong thinking, and foolish. I suppose it makes some serious coin for the drug companies, but it allows for so much pain and mayhem.

Anyone who has looked at the research knows that there is a cause of diabetic neuropathy, and some steps you can take to stop the damage, and heal your nerves. Many of the things shown to help are free, or close to it. Changing the way you eat to cut toxic carbohydrates, massage, nerve stimulation, hot and cold water baths can all be done basically for free.

There are plenty of proven supplements that can help stop damage and heal as well, some of them are incredibly inexpensive. NEVER buy the special “neuropathy” supplements unless you don’t mind paying 10x the price for a bit of convenience. I usually recommend that people buy each supplement separately, and save thousands of dollars per year – by shopping on Amazon.

And you can use the greatest proven method of healing small fibre nerves, near infra-red light stimulation, to boost energy production and healing on a massive scale. You can start with a cheap system from Amazon, or move up to a powerful professional unit that will save you time, and give faster results.

Mistake two – toxic drugs

Taking the drugs that actually cause diabetic neuropathy, or make it worse.

Having diabetic neuropathy is the first problem. Adding to the neuropathy mistakes are several common drugs that are prescribed to diabetic neuropathy sufferers. These drugs have effects that increase the damage and symptoms of diabetic neuropathy. They include statins, calcium channel blockers, and even metformin.

Metformin has been show since the early research into this drug to cause a deficiency of vitamin B 12. B 12 is essential for nerve function, growth, and healing. Because it’s found in red meat, and we’re told (another falsehood) that red meat is bad for us, we don’t get enough from our diet. 

Many patients in the research who took metformin became vitamin B12 deficient, which guarantees that your neuropathy will progress.

Your brain and nervous system contains a substantial amount of your body’s cholesterol. Without cholesterol your brain and nerves can’t work or heal properly. This is a huge issue for people who take statin drugs, as they tend to lower cholesterol, and cause nerve and brain issues as one of their main side effects. Cholesterol drugs make neuropathy worse.

Calcium channel blockers reduce essential blood flow to your small fibre nerves. This commonly prescribed drug can cause numbness, tingling and burning in your hands and feet. If you are already diabetic and add these drugs it can cause neuropathy to worsen substantially.

Neuropathy mistakes number three:

The low fat diet.

This lie is a remnant of the 1960s and ’70s and is still being propagated today. All this, despite being disproven over and over. The whole low-fat diet idea is that fat is bad for you. It clogs your arteries, raises your cholesterol, and increases heart disease.

This would mean that if you avoid fat (especially saturated fat) then you will have clean clear arteries. Eat mostly carbohydrate, and you won’t suffer from heart attacks and strokes.

Except it doesn’t work, and never has. The only thing that has occurred over the past 50 plus years is a massive increase in type 2 diabetes. Fat is not a villain. It can actually provide better energy to your brain and nerves than carbohydrate.

Type 2 diabetics are carbohydrate intolerant. The only solution to reverse type 2 diabetes involves ignoring the guidelines and eating less carb and more fat. This makes it very difficult to heal diabetic neuropathy while still eating the low fat (ie. high carb) diet.

Just making some changes in these three mistakes can turn things around. It can allow healing and get you back to doing the things you love to do, without pain.

Want some help? The easiest (and cheapest) way to get started healing is with the 7 steps compendium.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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