To The Moon!

To The Moon!

Moving forward On this date in 1969 (50 years ago) Apollo 11 was on it’s way to the moon. The fifth crewed mission of the Apollo program was destined to be the first to walk on the moon. It has spurred a giant move forward in multiple areas, including diabetic...
Is Lipitor killing your nerves?

Is Lipitor killing your nerves?

Cholesterol drugs and diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic? Probably taking a statin drug for your cholesterol. And perhaps developing diabetic neuropathy at the same time. It’s almost malpractice to NOT put a person with type 2 diabetes on statin drugs. Not because they...
Moby Dick’s Neuropathy Secret

Moby Dick’s Neuropathy Secret

Why Moby had happy flippers Moby Dick, the whale that tormented poor Ahab likely never had any trouble with diabetic neuropathy. Did he know the neuropathy secret? First of all, he was a pretty wise old whale. He ate the way he was supposed to, (supplemented by the...
Hope flushed away.

Hope flushed away.

At the worst possible moment, it flushed. And not just your average flush, it was a mighty torrent of water that foamed and sprayed as it spiralled down. All hope flushed away at that moment. And that was that.  A memory Last Friday my wife and I went to a...