Healing Diabetic Neuropathy

Healing Diabetic Neuropathy

It starts by attacking the cause of the problem. Diabetes is on the rise. It’s estimated by 2050, one-third of Americans are going to be type two diabetic. A third of the population. That’s a staggering number! A lot of the people that develop diabetes are...
3 Lies About Carbohydrate

3 Lies About Carbohydrate

Three big lies about carbohydrate Lie number one is  – fat is bad, so carbohydrate obviously is good. Lie number two – you need carbohydrate. And lie number three – type 2 diabetes just happens, carbohydrate is not the reason for it. Big Fat Lie Lie...

What to eat part 2 – Got Protein?

Steak – a great source of protein Got Protein? Who doesn’t love protein? Today we’re going to talk about three things you need to know about it. Where to find your protein The first thing you need to know about protein is where to find it. Now...