The one vitamin for diabetes.

The one vitamin for diabetes.

Which one vitamin? “Hey Doc, if you could only take one vitamin for diabetes, which one would you take?” It was a hard question to answer since type 2 diabetics tend to be quite deficient in a number of things. If I had to pick just one, which one would it be? Let’s...
Independence Day

Independence Day

Independence Day! A day of celebration, and remembering the cost of independence. The founding of a new nation. When I think of the word independence, I also think of many of my patients. Independence for them means being able to live their lives and do the things...
Diabetic neuropathy? Time to give up.

Diabetic neuropathy? Time to give up.

When is it time to give up? Diabetic neuropathy is awful. It’s painful, and numb, and tingling, and burning, and sometimes you feel like your socks are bunched up when they are not. Maybe it’s just time to give up. Your balance starts to go. You are told, “hey, it’s...