Neuropathy and balance

Neuropathy and balance

Neuropathy and Balance The connection between neuropathy and balance has a bit of a story to it. How your brain maintains balance is an amazing thing. First, the inner ear senses your balance and movement. Then, your eyes give visual cues to where your body is....
Walking on bubble wrap?

Walking on bubble wrap?

Walking on bubble wrap Katrina and the waves sang about walking on sunshine. Walking on bubble wrap isn’t quite as catchy. (great, now that song is in my head) This sensation has been described to me a number of ways. Some say it feels “like my socks are bunched up”...
Burned feet

Burned feet

Feeling hot? One of the more dangerous symptoms of diabetic neuropathy (and a common cause of burned feet) is the inability to feel temperature. As the damage to small fiber nerves progresses, sensations of cold and hot no longer reach the brain. This makes it...
Tingling Feet

Tingling Feet

Why do my toes and feet tingle? Tingling feet or paresthesia is another sensation that the brain receives when the nerves malfunction. It can be caused by direct pressure on a nerve. Like when you sit cross-legged for too long or hit your funny bone (totally NOT...
Your computer may be on fire.

Your computer may be on fire.

Burning Sensations If you were to accidentally dump a cup of coffee into your laptop computer (don’t ask how I know this) a lot of crazy lines and things would show up on the screen. These are a result of the motherboard shorting out, and sending jumbled data to the...